With her was a youngish man in a dinner jacket. 和她在一起的是一个略显年轻、身着无尾礼服的男人。
She soon distanced the churchgoers, except two youngish men, who, linked arm-in-arm, were beating up behind her at a quick step. 不久她就同从教堂里面出来的人隔得远了,只有两个年轻的男子胳膊挽着胳膊,快步从后面跟了上来。
In the bar, a youngish, sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic. 酒吧里,一个年轻的、目光犀利的男人喜怒无常地盯着一瓶杜松子滋补酒。
My cousin, Jessica, a youngish middle-age female, is a native New Yorker, and is also a quite superstitious. 我表妹杰西卡,年近中年,却依然年轻不减,她是个地道的纽约人,而且还很迷信。
On a shelf above the gas fire is a charcoal drawing of a youngish woman with dark, bobbed hair and proud, strong features. 在煤气炉上方的架子上,放着一位留着黑短发,带着高傲、刚强神色的少妇的炭笔肖像。
A youngish man with long, blond hair. 一位留着浅黄色长发、年纪很轻的男子。
Winston sprang to attention in front of the telescreen, upon which the image of a youngish woman, scrawny but muscular, dressed in tunic and gym-shoes, had already appeared. 温斯顿跳到电幕前面,来了个立正。电幕上早出现了个年轻女人,瘦骨嶙峋的,然而刚健有力,身穿紧身上衣,脚蹬体操鞋。
As Godliman entered the map room a cluster of youngish people with solemn faces emerged from the conference room beyond. 戈德利曼走进地图室时,一群庄重的青年人从旁边的会议室里走了出来。