Conversation has survived worse challenges ( Johnson thought it might be killed by a return of religious zealotry), and it will doubtless survive more. 交谈从更严峻的挑战中生存下来(Johnson认为,交谈可能被宗教狂热的回潮扼死),而它也还毫无疑问的活得更好。
Fortunately, his zealotry contained several kernels of sound, albeit intuitive, advice. 幸运的是,他的狂言中也包含着一些尽管原始的核心论调及建议。
It is a brutal reminder that the twisted logic of extremism is universal, and as normal and abnormal a product of secularist zealotry as it is of the religious kind. 它无情地提醒我们,极端主义扭曲的逻辑是普遍现象,它既是宗教狂热也是世俗狂热的正常(和不正常)产物。
But I would want to deny even the lesser charge of purely verbal zealotry. 但是即便是对纯粹口头上的狂热行为的指控,我也要否认。
That zealotry first revealed itself when he was a teenager. 这种狂热在他十几岁时便开始显露。