Zimmerman has calculated that customs agencies worldwide seize approximately one-tenth of one percent of total imports. 根据齐默尔曼的计算,全球海关部门大概只截货了所有进口山寨商品的十分之一。
Chief Financial Officer Larry Zimmerman said the cuts would affect most divisions except sales, as well as many parts of the globe. 该公司首席财务长拉里·齐莫曼(LarryZimmerman)说,裁员将影响销售之外的大部分部门,而且会涉及到全球很多地区。
Orangutan Outreach was started by Richard Zimmerman and is based in New York City. 红毛猩猩外展组织是由理查德齐默尔曼在纽约建立的组织。
Andrew Zimmerman from Bizarre Foods once said Please be a traveler, not a tourist. 安德鲁席莫曾在旅游美食节目《古怪食物》中说过,请成为一位旅行家,而不要做一名游客。
Peter Zimmerman from Case Western Reserve University school of medicine spoke at the AAAS meeting in Washington on February 19th. 在2月19日,来自凯斯西储大学医学院的皮特齐默曼于华盛顿在美国科学发展协会会议中发表讲话。
Mr. Zimmerman describes what has been reported by zoos on the reaction of the apes to seeing and using the tablets. 齐默曼叙述了各动物园汇报的关于猩猩看见和使用平板电脑的反应。
Mr. Zimmerman says the program could affect the behavior of orangutans, but it is too early to know. 齐默曼认为该计划可能会影响猩猩的行为,但(目前还是实验阶段)结论为时尚早。
Zimmerman studied Malagasy populations on Madagascar. 齐默曼研究了马达加斯加上土地上的马达加斯加人。
However, Paul Zimmerman, founder of nonprofit Designing Hong Kong, said he is concerned about public access to the land. 然而,非营利组织创建香港(DesigningHongKong)的创始人司马文(PaulZimmerman)表示,他对公众能否使用这一军用码头感到担忧。
According to Vanity Fair, Di Maio, who was a key witness at the George Zimmerman trial, said that it was highly likely that Van Gogh did not shoot himself. 根据《名利场》杂志的说辞,迪马尤&这位乔治齐默尔曼试验的关键目击者声称梵高很有可能没有朝自己开枪。
In the meantime, those concerned about the plan may file for judicial review of the planning board's decision to try and prevent it from proceeding, said Mr. Zimmerman. 司马文称,在此期间,对该项目感到担忧的人士可能会申请对城市规划委员会决定的司法复核,以阻止该方案被继续推进。
Russell Zimmerman, executive director of the Australian Retailers Association, said that while he had heard of clothing stores charging customers to try on clothes, he had never known a shop to charge a browsing fee. 澳洲零售商协会的执行董事拉塞尔·齐默曼说,虽然他听说过有服装店向顾客收取试衣费,但他还从未听闻过收取观赏费的商店。
PHOEBE ZIMMERMAN: The Texans called a meeting to write a letter to Santa Anna. 德克萨斯人要求召开会议,并写信给领导人桑塔·安纳。
Guess I should thank sergeant crown. or, should I say, captain zimmerman. 我猜我该谢谢可?中士,或是我该说是,季摩曼上校。
I now invite AmChamChina Chairman Jim Zimmerman to make remarks. 现在我诚挚邀请美国中国商会主席吉莫曼先生讲话。
As Phoebe Zimmerman reports, the goal is to spread the word about blues music and its history. 目的是向世界传播布鲁斯音乐及其历史。菲比?齐默曼报道。
"Swearing always has to be used very tactfully, because it is a very intense communication," said study co-author Daniel Zimmerman, a staff psychiatrist at a hospital in New York. “使用脏话需要有技巧,因为这是一种非常紧张激烈的沟通方式,”研究论文执笔者之一、纽约某医院精神病医生丹尼尔-奇莫曼说道。
The inverse Zimmerman wing shows a better longitudinal stability and flow-field stability. 与矩形翼相比,反齐默曼机翼有较好的稳定性。
Peter Zimmerman of the Center for Global Health and Diseases, in Cleveland, United States, said the study was important. 设在美国克利夫兰的全球卫生与疾病中心的PeterZimmerman说,这项研究很重要。
Zimmerman has a PhD in computer science from the University of Stuttgart. Zimmerman拥有斯图加特大学计算机科学专业博士学位。
Guilford Zimmerman Aptitude Survey Second, unless it has reserve funds, the state will not be able to concentrate financial resources on socialist industrialization and socialist transformation. 基晋二氏能力倾向调查第二,有了后备力量,国家财政才能集中力量保证社会主义工业化和社会主义改造的需要。
It's a method that requires doctors to respond to the patient's cues and carefully consider how helpful the offensive language might be, Zimmerman said. 奇莫曼称,该方法需要医生对病人的语言暗示做出回应,并且医生还要仔细考虑这种刺激性语言的作用程度到底有多大。
So Zimmerman and colleagues decided to test the videos themselves. Zimmerman和他的同事决定自己测试这些视频。
PHOEBE ZIMMERMAN: Oolooteka, with whom Houston had lived, was not one of the chiefs who signed the treaty. 但是,曾经与山姆·休斯顿在一起生活过的首领Oolooteka并没有签署这项条约。
The comparison of PIV measurement results of Zimmerman and inverse Zimmerman wings 齐莫曼翼与反齐莫曼翼空间流场测量对比分析
But none of these claims has ever been verified, says Frederick Zimmerman, who studies the relationship between child development and the economy at the University of Washington, Seattle. FrederickZimmerman,一位就职于Washington大学,Seattle分校研究儿童发展和经济关系的专家,称从来没有人证实过这些效果。
As for why the videos hurt vocabulary when they're supposed to help it, Zimmerman can only speculate. 对于为什么这些用于帮助增加词汇量的视频无益于词汇积累,Zimmerman只能推测。
Staff sergeant Daniel crown aka Hans Zimmerman 幕僚丹尼尔可中士又称做汉斯金格曼
Three famous hypotheses bonus plan hypothesis, ratio of liability to equity hypothesis and business scale hypothesis have been made by Prof. Watts and Zimmerman. Watts和Zimmerman教授对此提出了分红计划假说、负债权益比率假说和企业规模假说三大著名假设。