The panelists are left to compress their inquiries into one good zinger of a question 专家讨论小组的成员剩下的工作就是将他们的质询精简成一个精妙的问题。
I thought it looked like a zinger. 我觉得它看上去很有意思。
The president's resignation was a real zinger. 总统的辞退真的是令人震撼的事。
Mr Obama scored the only real zinger of the night. 当晚唯一真正有力的驳斥出自奥巴马之口。
The KFC advert was promoting the chain's Zinger Crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad. 广告画面中,呼叫中心办公室的工作人员塞着满嘴的沙拉小声哼着歌曲。
There is powerful acting; there are clever plot twists; and there is Mikhalkov himself as the jury foreman, appropriating the film's subtlest dialogue zinger. 片中有极具张力的表演;有巧妙的情节设计;扮演陪审团主席的米哈尔科夫,恰如其分地演绎了电影中最为敏锐的反驳者。