During my first few weeks in Italy, all my Protestant synapses were zinging in distress, looking for a task. 在意大利的头几个礼拜,我的每根清教徒神经都在蠢动,到处找寻任务。
Pagers were zinging all over the room. 房间里到处都有寻呼机在响。
Once that happens, Kovacs says, you think about your compromised condition rather than the ball zinging toward you, and you lose concentration and start making unforced errors. 一旦这样的情况发生,你就会老想着自己大打折扣的身体状态而不是向你嗖嗖飞来的网球了,于是你丢失了场上的注意力进而开始制造非受迫性失误。
There was a keen alarm when the cry came, a wire zinging through your whole body, fanatic feeling of devotion. 当他喊我的名字时,我会万分紧张全身蹭地就像过了电似的,一种狂热的忠诚感油然而生。