Professor Picker, who works at the University of Cape Town, today told how the zoologists discovered the insect by chance as they searched for flies during a research project. 任教于开普敦大学的Picker教授表示,他们是在一项以苍蝇所目标的研究的过程中所意外发现的。
Now the baby cubs 'first tentative blink has been recorded on day 33 of their lives, and the footage released by Hellabrun's zoologists. 如今,宝宝们出生后33天试探性的第一次睁眼也被记录了下来,这段视频由Hellabrun的动物园管理者公开。
Some zoologists think that the giraffe's pattern is for camouflage. 一些动物学家认为长颈鹿身上的花纹是用来伪装自己的。
The baboons have even lost their appetites, say baffled zoologists at the park, who have heard various theories as to what may be behind the animals 'strange behaviour. 公园里的动物学家们也很困惑,他们表示这些狒狒甚至连食欲也没了,人们用千奇百怪的理论来解释狒狒的奇怪行为。
At the Bank of England, economists such as Andy Haldane have collaborated with zoologists such as Robert May to study financial stability. 在英国央行(BoE),安迪•霍尔丹(AndyHaldane)等经济学家曾与罗伯特•梅(RobertMay)等动物学家合作,共同研究金融稳定性问题。
Zoologists study the development of animal life. 动物学家研究动物生活的发展。
Friends of Africa is ready to work with ISZS and other zoologists and zoological organizations in pursuit of saving our endangered wildlife. 非洲之友已经准备好与ISZS和其他动物学家和动物研究组织合作以拯救我们濒于灭绝的野生动物。
The zoologists had to reclassify the mollusks after they found new species. 动物学家发现了软体动物的新品种得对它进行再分类。
This guess was questioned by zoologists as follows. 这一猜测遭到动物学家的质疑。
Wu and his colleagues toured the mountains Monday with several wildlife preservation officials and zoologists from a nearby safari park. 周一时,吴以及同事带领野生物保护官员和附近熊乐园动物学专家将山林巡游了一遍。
Many zoologists in Europe regarded her ideas as being ridiculous. 欧洲许多动物学家认为她的想法荒诞可笑。
Zoologists said they were delighted and perplexed at the birth of four rare Komodo dragons, whose paternity remains a mystery. 法国动物学家们日前表示,他们对最近4只珍稀的科莫多巨蜥宝宝的诞生既感到高兴又有些迷惑不解,因为他们至今没弄清这些巨蜥宝宝的爸爸到底是谁。
Zoologists discovered the colony of freshwater crabs when they examined water quality in a channel running under the imperial forum. 动物学家是在对一条流经帝国广场地下的水道进行水质测试时,发现淡水蟹的栖居地。