弗吉尔·汤姆森致姐姐 Virgil Thomson to His Sister | 英语美文: 书信
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August 26, 1920
The news of the stork's visit is the most excitement I have had yet. It is exactly what I had hoped would happen for a long time, because I think a child in the family will do us all good. Of course it's difficult and expensive and dangerous, but we mustn't be afraid of things like that. A family that doesn't go through them and risk things is decayed. There is no way of protecting ourselves from life that isn't stupid, and the only way to be somebody is to do all the important things and do them with gusto. To get married without having children is rather begging the question, I think, side-stepping the main issue. I am glad the family isn't decaying, and I hope when you can afford it there will be one or two more. I hope it is a squalling lusty boy with dark red hair and freckles.
If the others weren't pleased at the prospect, it was clumsy not to say so. But I suppose we are nothing if not frank in the family. Mother has always had the idea that there was something a bit vulgar about having a baby, as if the best people didn't do it, whereas the "best people" are exactly the ones who still have families of eight and ten, while the middle classes nowadays are getting selfish and timorous and either have no children at all or else devote themselves to one spoiled baby. I'll bet Roy is glad.
Dear Sister,
弗吉尔·汤姆森致姐姐 Virgil Thomson to His Sister | 英语美文: 书信
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By the way, you must not let the family in, be sure and go out every day to exercise, clear up till the confinement, and go in the motor all you can. Also please don't economize. I insist on your going to a hospital and having a nurse for the first few months. Anything else is not safe.
If you are not too busy with sewing and things, I'd love the luster china. And I'd like it as soon as I can have it. I'd like some cups and plates and a tea set with a thick, squatty pot. If you have to buy any of the china, I'll pay for it. A little bowl or so would be useful if you have one around.
Please tell the family they deserve a good spanking for not wanting to tell me (which would have been outrageous) and for being selfish and stupid in their attitude.
Lots of love and be careful.
I just came down this morning. The boat trip yesterday afternoon was very lovely. Sunny and cool and a brilliant, Mediterranean blue, as we came through all the islands and thoroughfares on the coast. I had a great vacation and I've gained many pounds.


