
英 [ruːl] 美 [ruːl]

n.  规则; 规章; 条例; 建议; 应做之事; 习惯; 常规; 惯常的做法
v.  控制; 统治; 支配; 操纵; 决定; 裁定; 判决



Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.539 / COCA.633



    活动;游戏 of activity/game

  1. 规则;规章;条例
    a statement of what may, must or must not be done in a particular situation or when playing a game
    1. to follow/obey/observe the rules
      遵循 / 服从 / 遵守规则
    2. It's against all rules and regulations .
    3. to break a rule (= not follow it)
    4. This explains the rules under which the library operates.
    5. Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible.
  2. 建议 advice

  3. 建议;应做之事
    a statement of what you are advised to do in a particular situation
    1. There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals.
    2. The first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewer.
  4. 习惯;常规 habit/normally true

  5. 习惯;常规;惯常的做法
    a habit; the normal state of things; what is true in most cases
    1. He makes it a rule never to borrow money.
    2. I go to bed early as a rule .
    3. Cold winters here are the exception rather than the rule (= are rare) .
    4. As a general rule vegetable oils are better for you than animal fats.
  6. 体系 of system

  7. 定律;规则
    a statement of what is possible according to a particular system, for example the grammar of a language
    1. the rules of grammar
  8. 统治;控制 government/control

  9. 统治;管理;支配;控制
    the government of a country or control of a group of people by a particular person, group or system
    1. under Communist/civilian/military, etc. rule
    2. majority rule (= government by the political party that most people have voted for)
    3. The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster.
  10. 测量工具 measuring tool

  11. 尺;直尺
    a measuring instrument with a straight edge


      统治;控制 govern/control

    1. 控制;统治;支配
      to control and have authority over a country, a group of people, etc.
      1. At that time John ruled England.
      2. Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.
      3. Charles I ruled for eleven years.
      4. She once ruled over a vast empire.
      5. After the revolution, anarchy ruled.
    2. 支配;控制;操纵
      to be the main thing that influences and controls sb/sth
      1. The pursuit of money ruled his life.
      2. We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock.
    3. 作出正式决定 give official decision

    4. 决定;裁定;判决
      to give an official decision about sth
      1. The court will rule on the legality of the action.
      2. The judge ruled against/in favour of the plaintiff.
        法官判原告败诉 / 胜诉。
      3. The deal may be ruled illegal.
      4. The court ruled that the women were unfairly dismissed.
    5. 画直线 draw straight line

    6. 用直尺等画(线);画(直线)
      to draw a straight line using sth that has a firm straight edge
      1. Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.


    1. N-COUNT 规则;规定;章程;条例
      Rules are instructions that tell you what you are allowed to do and what you are not allowed to do.
      1. ...a thirty-two-page pamphlet explaining the rules of basketball...
      2. Sikhs were expected to adhere strictly to the religious rules concerning appearance...
      3. Strictly speaking, this was against the rules.
      4. ...the amendment to Rule 22.
    2. N-COUNT 行事准则;指导方针;应做的事
      A rule is a statement telling people what they should do in order to achieve success or a benefit of some kind.
      1. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight...
      2. By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.
    3. N-COUNT (语言或科学中的)规律,法则
      The rules of something such as a language or a science are statements that describe the way that things usually happen in a particular situation.
      1. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify.
      2. ...according to the rules of quantum theory.
    4. N-SING 普遍情况;常规;惯例
      If something is the rule, it is the normal state of affairs.
      1. However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.
    5. VERB 统治;控制;支配
      The person or group that rules a country controls its affairs.
      1. For four centuries, he says, foreigners have ruled Angola...
      2. He ruled for eight months.
      3. ...the long line of feudal lords who had ruled over this land.
      4. Rule is also a noun.
      5. ...demands for an end to one-party rule.
    6. VERB 控制;制约;影响
      If something rules your life, it influences or restricts your actions in a way that is not good for you.
      1. Scientists have always been aware of how fear can rule our lives and make us ill.
    7. VERB 判定;裁定;裁决
      When someone in authority rules that something is true or should happen, they state that they have officially decided that it is true or should happen.
      1. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid...
      2. The Israeli court has not yet ruled on the case...
      3. A provincial magistrates' court last week ruled it unconstitutional...
      4. The committee ruled against all-night opening mainly on safety grounds.
    8. VERB (用尺等)画(直线)
      If you rule a straight line, you draw it using something that has a straight edge.
      1. ...a ruled grid of horizontal and vertical lines.
    9. See also: golden rule ground rule ruling slide rule
    10. PHRASE 通常;一般来说
      If you say that something happens as a rule, you mean that it usually happens.
      1. As a rule, however, such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life.
      2. As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.
    11. PHRASE 变通规则;放松规定;通融
      If someone in authority bends the rules or stretches the rules, they do something even though it is against the rules.
      1. There is a particular urgency in this case, and it would help if you could bend the rules.
    12. PHRASE (根据实际经验的)粗略估算;经验之谈
      A rule of thumb is a rule or principle that you follow which is not based on exact calculations, but rather on experience.
      1. A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit...
      2. As a rule of thumb, a cup of filter coffee contains about 80mg of caffeine.
    13. PHRASE 按章工作;变相怠工
      If workers work to rule, they protest by working according to the rules of their job without doing any extra work or taking any new decisions.
      1. Nurses are continuing to work to rule.


    1. The officer cited the federation's rule on affiliation.
    2. Bolivia returned to democratic rule in 1982, after a series of military governments.
    3. It was a shock to hear him rule that my testimony would be disallowed.
    4. The government's policies of divide and rule have only contributed to the volatility of the region.
    5. Wine-making and accountants don't usually go together, but Thierry Hasard is an exception that proves the rule.
    6. Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.
    7. The South African president has negotiated an end to white-minority rule
    8. He established one-man rule in his country seven months ago.
    9. Sikhs were expected to adhere strictly to the religious rules concerning appearance
    10. Strictly speaking, this was against the rules.
    11. An important rule is to drink plenty of water during any flight
    12. By and large, the rules for healthy eating are the same during pregnancy as at any other time.
    13. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify.
    14. However, for many Americans today, weekend work has unfortunately become the rule rather than the exception.
    15. For four centuries, he says, foreigners have ruled Angola
    16. He ruled for eight months.
    17. Scientists have always been aware of how fear can rule our lives and make us ill.
    18. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid
    19. The Israeli court has not yet ruled on the case
    20. A provincial magistrates 'court last week ruled it unconstitutional
    21. The committee ruled against all-night opening mainly on safety grounds.
    22. As a rule, however, such attacks have been aimed at causing damage rather than taking life.
    23. As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.
    24. There is a particular urgency in this case, and it would help if you could bend the rules.
    25. A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit
    26. As a rule of thumb, a cup of filter coffee contains about 80mg of caffeine.
    27. Nurses are continuing to work to rule.
    28. I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.
    29. They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all — no talking.
    30. The court will rule on the matter.


      govern command control reign rule【导航词义:统治】

      govern v. 统治,管理;制约


    Who really governs this country?
    They demand the right to govern themselves.
    The need for money governs his behaviour.

      command v. 控制;统率


    The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament.
    He commands the armed forces.

      control v. 控制,管理


    The Romans once controlled the area.
    The enemy controlled the hilltop.
    Parents must learn how to control their children.

      reign v. 统治,当政

    〔辨析〕指作为国王、君主等统治国家、管理国民,常后接介词 over。

    He reigned over the country for thirty years.
    The king reigned over 30 million people.

      rule v. 统治,控制


    He once ruled over a vast empire.
    Eighty million years ago, dinosaurs ruled the earth.
    The pursuit of wealth ruled her life.


    rule in

    1. 决定,确定(采取某种行动)  

    rule out

    1. 排除;确定…不可能(或不合适)  2. 阻止…发生;使成为不可能  

    rule out of

    1. 使无法参加;将…排除在外  


    rule off

    rule sth↔off

    1. 画线隔开
      to separate sth from the next section of writing by drawing a line underneath it
      1. to follow/obey/observe the rules
        遵循 / 服从 / 遵守规则
      2. It's against all rules and regulations .
      3. to break a rule (= not follow it)
      4. This explains the rules under which the library operates.
      5. Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible.

    rule sb/sth↔out

    1. 把…排除在外;认为…不适合
      to state that sth is not possible or that sb/sth is not suitable
      1. There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals.
      2. The first rule is to make eye contact with your interviewer.
    2. 阻止;防止…发生
      to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening

      rule sb out of sth

      1. 声明某人不能参赛;阻止某人参赛
        to state that a player, runner, etc. will not be able to take part in a sporting event; to prevent a player from taking part



          bend/stretch the rules

        • 根据具体情况改变规则;通融
          to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation
          1. play by sb's (own) rules

          2. 按某人定的规矩行事
            if sb plays by their own rules or makes other people play by their rules , they set the conditions for doing business or having a relationship
            1. play by the rules

            2. 按规则玩游戏;处事公正诚实;循规蹈矩
              to deal fairly and honestly with people
              1. the rules of the game

              2. 游戏规则;大家共同遵守的行为标准
                the standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of life or business
                1. the rule of law

                2. 法治
                  the condition in which all members of society, including its rulers, accept the authority of the law
                  1. a rule of thumb

                  2. 实用的估算方法,经验工作法(常依据经验而非准确测量)
                    a practical method of doing or measuring sth, usually based on past experience rather than on exact measurement
                    1. work to rule

                    2. 按章工作;变相罢工
                      to follow the rules of your job in a very strict way in order to cause delay, as a form of protest against your employer or your working conditions
                      1. the exception that proves the rule

                      2. 反证规律的例外;足以证明普遍性的例外
                        people say that sth is the exception that proves the rule when they are stating sth that seems to be different from the normal situation, but they mean that the normal situation remains true in general
                        1. Most electronics companies have not done well this year, but ours is the exception that proves the rule.


                        rule the roost

                      • 当头头;充当首领;主宰
                        to be the most powerful member of a group
                        1. rule (sb/sth) with a rod of iron

                        2. 残酷统治;严厉控制
                          to control a person or a group of people very severely
                          1. rule/throw sth out of court

                          2. (尤指在法庭上)指明完全错误,不予考虑,不予受理
                            to say that sth is completely wrong or not worth considering, especially in a trial
                            1. The charges were thrown out of court.
                            2. Well that's my theory ruled out of court.
                          3. divide and rule

                          4. 分而治之
                            to keep control over people by making them disagree with and fight each other, therefore not giving them the chance to unite and oppose you together
                            1. a policy of divide and rule
                          5. let your heart rule your head

                          6. 感情用事
                            to act according to what you feel rather than to what you think is sensible



                            1. measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths

                                Synonym:    ruler

                              1. something regarded as a normative example
                                1. the convention of not naming the main character
                                2. violence is the rule not the exception
                                3. his formula for impressing visitors

                                Synonym:    conventionnormalpatternformula

                              2. a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior
                                1. it was his rule to take a walk before breakfast
                                2. short haircuts were the regulation

                                Synonym:    regulation

                              3. (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems
                                1. he determined the upper bound with Descartes' rule of signs
                                2. he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials

                                Synonym:    formula

                              4. a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system
                                1. the principle of the conservation of mass
                                2. the principle of jet propulsion
                                3. the right-hand rule for inductive fields

                                Synonym:    principle

                              5. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct
                                1. their principles of composition characterized all their works

                                Synonym:    principle

                              6. any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order
                                1. the rule of St. Dominic

                              7. prescribed guide for conduct or action

                                  Synonym:    prescript

                                1. directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted
                                  1. he knew the rules of chess

                                2. (linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice

                                    Synonym:    linguistic rule

                                  1. dominance or power through legal authority
                                    1. France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa
                                    2. the rule of Caesar

                                    Synonym:    dominion

                                  2. the duration of a monarch's or government's power
                                    1. during the rule of Elizabeth


                                  1. keep in check
                                    1. rule one's temper

                                    Synonym:    harnessrein

                                  2. decide with authority
                                    1. The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed

                                    Synonym:    decree

                                  3. decide on and make a declaration about
                                    1. find someone guilty

                                    Synonym:    find

                                  4. mark or draw with a ruler
                                    1. rule the margins

                                  5. exercise authority over
                                    1. Who is governing the country now?

                                    Synonym:    govern

                                  6. be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance
                                    1. Money reigns supreme here
                                    2. Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood

                                    Synonym:    predominatedominatereignprevail

                                  7. have an affinity with