From that time forward everybody shunned him 从那时候起,每个人都有意回避他。
He has always shunned publicity 他一直有意避开媒体的关注。
This extremist organization has shunned conventional politics. 这个极端主义组织有意避开了传统政治。
The janitor had spread the word about Kessler to the others on the floor, and they shunned him as a dirty old man. 这位管理员向同层其他人散布关于岂儿斯勒的流言蜚语,大伙都把他看作一个邋遢老头而躲开他。
He is a person to be shunned. 他是一个谁见着谁就躲避的人。
Sohn should be commended, not shunned, for openly talking about a problem Samsung is trying to address. 孙英权应该受到表扬,而不是被边缘化,因为他公开讨论了三星试图解决的问题。
Burned by risky lending in past crises, the banks had shunned toxic subprime-mortgage securities. 由于仍对过去数次危机中高风险借贷上的损失心有余悸,拉美银行在此次危机中避开了问题次级抵押贷款证券。
And he was labeled as a rich boy who shunned conventional campus life. 他也被贴上了与传统校园生活离经叛道的富家子弟的标签。
We have shunned all the defects which unceasingly preyed on the vitals and destroyed the ancient Republics. 我们已避免了所有那些不停地危及利害,颠覆古代共和国的缺陷。
Most international investors shunned Greece a long time ago, scared off by its never-ending debt crisis. 大部分国际投资者在很久前就已经放弃希腊了,原因是不见尽头的债务危机。
On the supply side, Coke also shunned ownership of factories and plants. 在供应方面,可口可乐还尽量避免持有工厂和厂房。
Biomass and mini power plants have been shunned by state energy companies. 国有能源公司一直避免涉足生物质能发电和小型电站。
And in you I have found aloneness And the joy of being shunned and scorned. 你在那而,我发现了孤独,品尝到了被遗弃和被嘲笑的欢乐。
They were more lethargic and less pleasure-seeking than normal mice. They also shunned their pups. 与普通老鼠相比,它们更嗜睡,更不愿寻找乐趣,还会躲避其幼仔。
His later writings reveal his contempt for the critics who shunned him. 他最近的著作显示了他对那些有意回避他的批评家们的轻蔑。
During his illness he shunned all society, and in particular those who had been his dearest friends. 在生病期间,他避开了所有交际活动,尤其是最亲爱的朋友。
A picture that was really contemporary and accepted one month was completely shunned three or six months later. 一部真的与时代紧密相连的电影这个月还被接受,三个月或者六个月之后就完全没市场了。
This marks a big reversal from last year, when investors shunned this corner of the credit markets. 这一现象与去年截然相反,当时投资者纷纷避开信贷市场的这个领域。
At last, despised and shunned as he deserved to be, he died. 最后,他活该受到鄙视和厌弃,终于死了。
He was a shy man who shunned all publicity. 他是个害羞的人,总是避一切公开场合。
In that society, of course, cripples were to be pitied and shunned. 在那个社会里,跛子当然应受到怜悯和规避。
In earlier days, Charlie and I shunned capital-intensive businesses such as public utilities. 早期,查理和我曾规避资本集中的产业,例如公共事业。
He is adored by his sister, but sometimes also shunned by her. 他的姐姐多么宠爱他,可又常常躲避他。
He was lazy and shunned work. 他懒惰而且避工作。
Family friends... she shunned like the plague ( John Galsworthy). 她像逃避灾祸一样逃避家族的朋友(约翰·高尔斯华绥)。
But when she tried to caress him, the boy shunned her. 可是当她底手去抚摸他底时候,他又躲闪开了。
And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people. 那些否定祖先的智慧的人会遭到所有正派的人的冷落。
He was shunned by his parents when they discovered he was gay. 当父母发现他是同性恋时,他们拒绝见他。