
英 [ˈvestɪŋ] 美 [ˈvestɪŋ]

v.  给予; 授予某人某种权力; (指财产等)归属



BNC.37572 / COCA.32191


  1. 贴身背心;汗衫
    A vest is a piece of underwear which you can wear on the top half of your body in order to keep warm.
    1. in AM, use 美国英语用 undershirt

    2. 背心;马甲;坎肩
      A vest is a sleeveless piece of clothing with buttons which people usually wear over a shirt.
      1. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 waistcoat

      2. VERB 授予,赋予,给予(权利或责任)
        If something is vested in you, or if you are vested with it, it is given to you as a right or responsibility.
        1. All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty...
        2. The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies...
        3. There's an extraordinary amount of power vested in us.


      1. In 2010, when HP showed former CEO Mark Hurd the door following an investigation into his behavior, Hurd was given$ 12 million cash plus vesting of some stock.
      2. Q: How many years'experience do you have in market in vesting/ export/ quality control?
      3. We both have changed positions several times-FOR all the right reasons-but there are no pension plans vesting on our behalf.
      4. Citi is among a handful of big banks allowing government-bound staff to cash out of incentive programmes by accelerating the vesting of their stock awards.
      5. Their actual value will depend on the prevailing market price at the time of vesting, which will occur between now and August 2016.
      6. In relation to the ship a builder's certificate, bill of sale in favour of the owner or court order vesting title to the ship in the owner;
      7. Of course, although a clear policy would be good, vesting that much power in one individual's hands, as Rao recognizes, requires caution.
      8. The range of the vesting prices for the share options or other equity instruments issued outward at the end of period, and the remainder of the contractual period;
      9. Under the draft policy, directors 'termination payments would be limited to no more than two years of their fixed remuneration and they would also face a minimum three-year vesting period for share options.
      10. Apple said that it emphasised "restricted stock units" with long vesting periods in its remuneration packages, to help retain employees and ensure a long-term focus.
      11. They know all the buzz words – scalable, traction, leverage, burn rate, vesting and so on.
      12. The "vesting period" refers to the period during which the specified vesting conditions are to be satisfied.
      13. Without proper vesting you also place a risk on all other co-founders.
      14. Change of existing voluntary contribution vesting.
      15. As one of the basic elements of stock option incentive mechanism, the vesting period is the key role affecting stock option incentive mechanism.
      16. But theological objections to vesting military command and control in Nato have shown the childish side of French diplomacy.
      17. I tried to argue my views on vesting to a company I tried to invest in2 years ago.
      18. Should non-executive directors 'fees evolve from the normal flat structure toward deferment of a substantial part of reward for two-three years with payment ( or vesting) conditional in part on measures of risk-adjusted performance of the entity over the period?
      19. Founder vesting was one of the emotional hot buttons for them.
      20. From the historical necessity of Tumen river development triangle area, the paper pays attention to discuss the geoeconomics, resource vesting superiority and the best combination of elements, then points out its future trend.
      21. Then introduce the Vesting Contract into the model, and constructs the dynamic bidding model of Power Generation Company.
      22. To avoid and dissolve the bank risks. Such items as strengthening the bank culturally, strengthening amplifying the internal organization, perfecting the internal system of job responsibility, empowering and vesting with credit and risk compensation should be done.
      23. Vesting procuratorial organ with power in taking civil lawsuit is an important item of the procuratorial system reform in our country.
      24. Usually the company can prescribe the vesting period of the staff through stock-options.
      25. Geoeconomics and Resource Vesting Characteristics of Tumen River Development Triangle
      26. Practical contradictions caused by the generation of these disputes, increasing both the number of cars and the limited land resources, but also the legal norms are not a sound the rights vesting unknown reasons.
      27. In addition to vesting females with some rights in the field of information, more concrete and effective measures need to be taken.
      28. This section confirmed the nature of death indemnity from four aspects, namely the right to life, the right of claim, compensation programs and vesting of property.
      29. The current motivation of volunteers include dedication needs, self-actualization needs, knowledge needs, social needs, vesting requirements.