浸礼会教徒 a member of a Christian Protestant Church that believes that baptism should take place when a person is old enough to understand what it means, and not as a baby
I caught up with Coburn, a medical doctor and ordained Southern Baptist deacon. 我约见了科伯恩,他是一位医学博士,也是南部浸礼会执事。
Her father was a Baptist minister in Mississippi. 她的父亲是密西西比州的一位浸礼会牧师。
I met her at a Baptist church in Tennessee. 我在田纳西的一个礼拜教堂与她相识。
My family is Baptist entirely except for me. 我的家庭是完全浸除我。
Students of the Hong Kong Baptist University are encouraged to contact the Counselling and Development Centre. 香港浸会大学的同学,欢迎你与辅导中心联络。
Two Church Controversies, in the old Presbyterian Church and in the Southern Baptist Church. 在历史悠久的美南长老会和美南浸信会发生了两次教会争议。
He wished to know whether John was Christ's Teacher or Disciple-confounding the Baptist with the beloved disciple. 他想弄清楚约翰是耶稣的教师,还是信徒&混淆了施洗约翰和心爱的信徒。
First Baptist Church of Branson plans to make parents heroes in children's eyes this weekend. 本周末,布兰森的第一浸信会教堂计划让父母们成为孩子眼中的英雄。
The son of a Baptist minister. 浸信会牧师的儿子。
John first met Christ one afternoon while standing with Andrew listening to John the Baptist. 一天下午,当约翰与安得烈一起聆听施洗约翰讲道之际,他首次遇见基督。
Baptist Hospital and George Town Hospital are linked by a tele-radiology system. 浸会医院和乔治城医院之间由远程放射医疗系统连接。
In addition, he took piano lessons, wrote poetry and even sang in the First Baptist Choir. 而且,他还上钢琴课程,写诗歌,甚至在第一届浸礼会唱诗班里唱歌。
He joined the radical Jewish Spiritual movement led by John the Baptist. 他参加了施洗者约翰领导的激进的犹太人精神运动。
When a man does that, like John the Baptist, he is not afraid of any king! 一个正直无过和一心尊敬神的人,是不会害怕王的,就如新约的施洗约翰一样。
Rick Warren is a fifth-generation Southern Baptist who was raised in a faith that is both austere and emotional. rickwarren是在一种朴素而又情绪化的信仰环境中长大的第五代南方浸礼会信徒。
Bring me the head of John the baptist. 让我想起施洗者约翰。
They took us by the Baptist Church and we left from that area. 他们带着我们穿过洗礼教堂,离开这个区。
They were married by a Baptist minister, the first divine they found convenient. 他们结婚了,由一位浸礼会牧师主婚,这是他们所能找到的第一个合适的神职人员。
Baptist by people in the cold after a long, bathed in a God has done in this tender. 让人在浸受了一个漫长的寒冷之后,沐浴在了上苍所赐于的这种温情脉脉。
But that family, the West family is inseparable from Shiloh Baptist Church. 而我们一家,和Shiloh浸信会教堂是分不开的。
He was raised in the Baptist religion; a member of his own faith contradicted him. 他是施洗者教会抚养长大的;他自己的一部分信念抵触他。
Another major narrative difference is the relationship of Jesus and John the Baptist. 还有一个叙述上的区别,在于耶稣和圣约翰洗者之间的关系。
Jesus called Andrew shortly after he was baptized by John the Baptist near Jerusalem. 安得烈在耶路撒冷附近被施洗约翰施洗后不久耶稣就呼召他。
A few Chinese also attended churches of the Catholic and Baptist denominations. 几个中国人也参加了教会的天主教和浸信会教派。
This is when He really starts his own preaching ministry, after John the Baptist is arrested. 就在这时他真正开始了布道事工,在施洗的约翰下监后。
John the Baptist himself gets martyred. 圣约翰洗者殉教了。
Have you ever served in Hong Kong Baptist university? 你曾否在香港浸会大学服务?
This is the website for School of Chinese Medicine of Hong Kong Baptist University. 这是香港浸会大学中医药学院的网站。
Vice President ( Development), and Dean of Business School, Hong Kong Baptist University; 香港浸会大学副校长(拓展)及商学院院长;