They are disinclined to use violence because it is against their Buddhist faith. 他们不愿意使用暴力,因为这么做违背他们的佛教信仰。
Buddhist ethics are simple but its practices are very complex to a western mind. 佛教伦理很简单,但其实践修行对西方人来说却很复杂。
On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple. 那所佛教寺院位于市郊的最西北角。
The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images. 那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。
He a retired teacher and a part-time Buddhist priest. 他是个退休教师,同时也兼任佛寺里的主持。
He is a holy buddhist. 他是一个虔诚的佛教徒。
Buddhist monk sat with folded palms. 和尚合掌打坐。
It is thought that originally these were Hindu or Buddhist nations. 它最初被认为是印度教和佛教国家。
Daoist and Buddhist temples are known to have been established in the vicinity around this time. 道教和佛教寺庙已知已经建立了在附近的这个时候。
World Buddhist Sangha Youth, actually we are now registered with the United Nations under cultural and religious section. 其实,我们世界佛教青年僧伽会现在成为了联合国文化与宗教部份注册的组织。
Nonetheless, Neo-Confucian writings adapted Buddhist thoughts and beliefs to the Confucian interest. 尽管如此,新儒家著作改编的佛教思想和信仰的儒家利益。
As you can see, each of Xishuang Banna's Buddhist temples and pagodas is different in style. 您看到了吧,在西双版纳每座佛寺的佛塔呢都不一样,各有各的特色。
Temples and Buddhist grottoes such as those at Mogao Caves and Maijishan Caves contain artistically and historically revealing murals. 庙宇和像莫高石窟和麦积山石窟等佛教石窟展现了壁画的艺术价值和历史价值。
I think, therefore, I am a Buddhist. 因此,我认为我是一个佛教徒。
Right, there is also Buddhist thinking. 对的,还掺杂了一些佛教思想。
Buddhist art generally refers to the architectures, paintings, literature or music works that related to Buddhism. 佛教艺术泛指与佛教相关的建筑、雕塑、绘画、文学与音乐等艺术作品。
Indeed, they rejected the Buddhist and Taoist religions. 事实上,他们拒绝了佛教和道教的宗教。
Can a Buddhist temple be related to tea? 一座寺庙能和茶有什么关系啊?
Before departing colombo, they visited a Buddhist temple. 他们在离开科伦坡前参观了一座佛寺。
While Neo-Confucianism incorporated Buddhist and Taoist ideas, many Neo-Confucianists strongly oppose Buddhism and Taoism. 虽然道学纳入佛教和道教的思想,许多新儒家强烈反对佛教和道教。
Hetian was the center of the Buddhist faith in the early years of Western Chinese history. 和田是早期中的中国西域历史中的佛教中心。
This Buddhist temple in China's construction was rare. 这在中国佛教寺院的修建中是罕见的。
The Study on Auspicious Patterns of Chinese Traditional Buddhist Architecture Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 中国佛教传统建筑景观的吉祥纹样研究藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
All he gives you is the Buddhist version. 他告诉了你佛教徒版本。
So, it is now half, almost half a century that I'm* I been buddhist. 所以,到现在我几乎已经作了半个世纪的佛教徒了。
I am a simple Buddhist monk. 我只是一个简单的佛教僧侣。
We harmoniously shared and discussed Buddhist dharma. 我们和谐地分享和讨论佛法。
You are a Buddhist, I am a Hindu and so on. 你是个佛教徒,我是个印度教徒,等等。
One of the pivotal concepts behind the rites and festivals of Buddhist laity and monks is that of offering. 其中的关键概念背后的宗教仪式和节日的佛教俗人和僧侣,是提供。
This abridgment provides a concise presentation of this masterpiece of Buddhist literature. 这个删节本提供了简明介绍佛教文学的杰作。