Petrov says the law adopted by the Duma is one in a series of measures aimed at imposing more stringent conditions on foreign investment in industries the government wants to keep under control. 彼得洛夫说,国家杜马通过这项议案是俄罗斯采取的一系列措施之一,这些措施的目的是更严格地限制外国人在俄罗斯政府打算控制的工业领域进行投资。
The lower house of Russia's parliament, the Duma, passed legislation Friday limiting the ability of foreigners to invest in industrial sectors considered as strategic. 俄罗斯议会下院杜马上星期五通过一项议案,限制外国人在被认为具有战略意义的工业领域投资。
He was one of the founders of the Union of Right Forces and was elected to the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament where he sat between 1999 and 2003. 他是右翼力量联盟(UnionofRightForces)的创始人之一,并在1999年至2003年当选为俄罗斯杜马(即议会下院)议员。
Genuinely free elections would lead to a Duma with a real opposition that would be able to challenge the Kremlin rather than simply acting as its echo chamber. 通过真正自由的选举选出的国家杜马,会拥有真正的反对派,能够挑战克里姆林宫,而不是只会对其惟命是从。
Firstly, the Duma election results surprised Mr Putin and his "United Russia". 首先,国家杜马的选举结果出乎普京和统一俄罗斯党(unitedrussia)的意料之外。
To the provisional Committee of the state duma. 国家杜马任命的临时委员会。
The former president was due last night to meet leaders of the Duma, or lower house of parliament, which is expected to confirm his new post today. 前总统普京定于昨晚会见俄罗斯议会下院国家杜马的领导人。预计国家杜马将于今日确认普京的新职位。
Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove "God" from the lyrics. 俄东正教大主教基里尔也认为,国家杜马不会同意从国歌中删除“上帝”一词。
Let the State Duma decide the destiny of the country. 让国家杜马去决定国家的命运吧。
The Duma is considering to resume political and economic cooperation with Iraq in defiance of the 8-year-long UN embargo imposed on the country. 杜马准备不顾联合国对伊拉克实施了8年的制裁,考虑恢复俄罗斯与伊拉克的政治和经济合作。
This is also caused by the new laws adopted by DUMA in hope of mainly blocking the log export and reducing the prices from the national market. 同时,俄罗斯议会为了最大力度阻止木材出口,降低国内市场木材价格,所颁布的新行业法规也是导致此趋势的重要原因之一。
The first session of the Duma is from April 27~ ( th), 1906 to July 9~ ( th), 1906, existing only for 72 days; 第一届国家杜马从1906年4月27日至1906年7月9日只存在了72天;
The middle-wing party grew up quickly and has been the biggest party in the duma. 中翼政权党迅速崛起,成为杜马最大党团;
Russian State Duma lawmakers Svetlana Khorkina, left, and Alina Kabayeva, right, who are both gymnastics champions, are shown at the first parliamentary session in Moscow, Russia on Dec.24,2007. 二零零七年十二月二十四日摄于俄国莫斯科,是俄罗斯国家杜马(国会)议员斯维特兰娜‧霍尔金娜(左)与阿丽娜‧卡巴耶娃(右)在第一次议会上的照片。两位议员都是体操冠军。
The author has come to a different conclusion based on historic fact that it is a quasi legislative assembly body in Russia, which builds up the framework of legislative Duma afterwards. “布里根杜马”历来被前苏联史学界定为“咨询性杜马”,本文根据史实得出不同的结论,认为它是俄国准立法机构,构筑了此后立法性杜马的框架。
The new political structure of the Duma will exert profound impacts on Russian political situation. 杜马的新格局将对俄政局产生深远的影响。
But some health advocates say the measure passed by the State Duma flies in the face of guidelines of the international tobacco control agreement that Russia joined this year. 但是,一些健康倡议者说,俄罗斯国家杜马通过的措施公然违反了俄罗斯今年加入的国际控烟公约的准则。
The modern Duma plays a more and more important role in the Russian society. This makes one think of the Duma during the Czar period when its appearance symbolizes the collapse of the Czar tyranny. 由于现代国家杜马在国家社会活动中扮演的角色越来越重要,这就让人们想起原沙皇时代的国家杜马。
The third session is from June 3~ ( rd) 1907 to June 8~ ( th), 1912, then the Czar enacted an issue to stop the activity of the Duma and on August 29~ ( th) abolished it; 第三届国家杜马从1907年6月3日至1912年6月8日,沙皇颁布敕令,停止第三届国家杜马的活动。
A perspective of election for duma's lower house in Russia 俄罗斯议会下院选举透视
Part Two introduces the major social activities of the Duma. 第二部分是介绍国家杜马的主要社会实践活动。
By briefly analyzing the characteristics of the Fourth Duma Election and the Presidential Election in Russia, this essay elaborates on the background against which Russian politics is entering into a new era and the impact of the election results on Russian politics. 文章简要指明俄罗斯第四次杜马选举和总统选举的特点,阐明了俄罗斯政治进入新时期的背景,分析了选举结果对俄罗斯政治产生的影响。
Any system of law, must go through a development process of starting from scratch, from small to large, so is the National Duma election system. 任何法律制度,都要经历一个从无到有、从小到大的发展历程,国家杜马选举制度亦如此。
Until now, the State Duma of the Russian Federation has elected five sessions, VI session of the State Duma elections came to an end. 到目前,俄罗斯联邦选举产生了五届国家杜马,第六届国家杜马选举刚刚落下帷幕。
As a part of parliament of Russian Federation, the State Duma takes on most of the legislative mandate of the Russian Federation. 国家杜马作为俄罗斯联邦议会的组成部分,承担了俄罗斯联邦绝大部分的立法任务。
This section will focus on the sixth State Duma elections, to analysis on practice of State Duma election system. Fifthly, the characteristics and development trend of the election system of Russian Federation State Duma. 该部分将以第六届国家杜马选举为重点,来探讨分析国家杜马选举制度的实践。五、俄罗斯联邦现行国家杜马选举制度的特点和发展趋势。
The order of this part is that introducing the research background and method about this article. Second, the historical development of the electoral system of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. 引言是对本文的研究背景和论述方法进行的总体性概括。二、俄罗斯联邦国家杜马选举制度的历史发展。