Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange. 法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。
Her luggage remained unclaimed at Frankfurt Departures. 她的行李一直放在法兰克福机场,无人认领。
The plan would combine the operators of the New York Stock Exchange and Germany's Frankfurt Stock Exchange. 这项计划将会合并纽约证券交易所和德国法兰克福证券交易所。
In the following example, all flight connections between Frankfurt and Berlin are shown. 在下列的示例中,显示了法兰克福市和柏林之间的所有航班中转。
Meanwhile, Russian investors deepen their economic interests in London, Frankfurt and New York. 与此同时,俄罗斯投资者在深化自己在伦敦、法兰克福和纽约的经济利益。
I traveled to three of the cities foreigners are most likely to visit, Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin, making reservations in relatively new restaurants. 我拜访了外国人最有可能去的三座城市:慕尼黑、法兰克福和柏林,预订了较新的餐厅。
Do you know what time I arrive in Frankfurt? 你知道我到达法兰克福的时间吗?
Clive harris: have you stayed in Frankfurt before? 克莱夫。哈里斯:你之前有没有在法兰克福待过?
The issue for policymakers in Brussels, Frankfurt and Athens is one of timing. 对于布鲁塞尔、法兰克福以及雅典的政策制定者们而言,问题的关键在于时机。
And Germany's Frankfurt airport was also operating near normal. 德国法兰克福机场的运作也已经接近于正常。
Shares in London, Frankfurt and the U.S.were higher as well. 伦敦、法兰克福股市也出现了上涨。
First, London stole the new euro markets from under the nose of Frankfurt; 第一,伦敦从法兰克福手中夺走了欧元市场;
Frankfurt's festival is celebrated in the woods. 法兰克福的节日是在树林中庆祝。
Frankfurt is the financial and transportation centre of Germany and the largest financial centre in continental Europe. 法兰克福是德国和欧洲大陆金融和交通中心。
Tokyo and London closed modestly higher, while Hong Kong, Paris and Frankfurt recorded moderate loses. 东京和伦敦股市小幅收高,而香港、巴黎和法兰克福股市略微收低。
Generalised attacks on securitisation may be heard in Frankfurt and Paris, but must be firmly rejected. 在法兰克福和巴黎,可能会听到对资产证券化的泛泛攻击,但对此必须坚决予以抵制。
All the toilets on the Frankfurt to Dresden train were locked because there was no water for flushing. 因为没有冲厕用水,这列自法兰克福开往德累斯顿的火车上的所有厕所都上了锁。
Demand for language courses at the Frankfurt centre he heads rose a third last year. 在他管理的歌德学院法兰克福中心,语言课程去年的报名人数增长了三分之一。
The game is in Frankfurt, Germany. 这场比赛将在德国法兰克福进行。
Frankfurt and even Paris were mooted as possible usurpers of London's crown. 在人们口中,法兰克福、甚至巴黎都成了可能夺走伦敦皇冠的篡位者。
The combined group would have dual headquarters in New York and Frankfurt. 根据计划,新成立的公司将会有两个总部,一个在纽约,一个在法兰克福。
Under Prussian administration, Frankfurt rose to become a large modern city. 在普鲁士王国的统治下,法兰克福很快成为了一个大型现代化城市。
I did turn on my data roaming in Frankfurt last week. I was walking in the wrong direction. 上周在法兰克福,我最终还是开启了数据漫游,结果发现自己走错了方向。
Walking in Frankfurt last week, I began to worry I was going in the wrong direction. 上周漫步在法兰克福街上,我开始担心自己有没有走对方向。
The bank held similar events in London, Frankfurt and Paris. 该行在伦敦、法兰克福和巴黎举行了类似的活动。
Talk of competition between London, Paris and Frankfurt misses the point. 谈论伦敦、巴黎和法兰克福之间竞争,这是没有抓住要点。
He booked a ticket to Washington via Frankfurt and new york. 他预订了一张经由法兰克福和纽约到华盛顿的票。
It was an innovation that immediately spawned imitators in London and Frankfurt. 这项创新在伦敦和法兰克福立即出现了大量效仿者。
I will stay at New Star Hotel in Frankfurt. 我会在法兰克福的新星酒店。
Take two women, one in Tokyo one in Frankfurt. 就拿两个女人来说吧,一个在东京、一个在法兰克福。