Firefox OS is based on Linux and is open source. 火狐操作系统是基于Linux,而且采用的是开放源码。
Apple used software developed at next to create the Mac OS computer operating system. 苹果公司使用next公司开发的软件创造出了macos计算机操作系统软件。
Apple's new version of its desktop operating system for Mac computers is called Mac OS X Lion. 苹果最新版本的MAC桌上型电脑操作系统被称为MacOSXLion(代号:“狮子”)。
I'm the chief architect of Gentoo Linux, a next-generation Linux OS currently in beta. 我是GentooLinux(目前还是beta版的下一代LinuxOS)的首席设计师。
You can use add-ons to augment the hardware and OS configuration of a virtual machine. 附件可用于扩大虚拟机的硬件和OS配置。
You can download a version for Windows and virtually every other OS. 您可以下载一个Windows版本和几乎其他所有OS版本。
You can review a table that compares OS virtualization concepts and commands as well. 您可以回顾一个比较OS虚拟化概念和命令的表格。
It supports LDAP, OS, and custom. 它支持LDAP、OS和自定义设置。
This option is not used on the z/ OS operating system. 这一选项不用于z/OS操作系统。
The OS and Domino executables share one disk and the transaction log and page file share another. 操作系统和Domino可执行文件共享一个磁盘,而事务日志和页文件共享另一个磁盘。
This can improve the parallelism of some I/ Os. 这可以提高某些I/O的并行性。
D-BUS was designed for desktop application and OS communication. D-BUS设计用于桌面应用程序和OS通信。
Operating system ( OS) agents that monitor the availability and performance of the computers in your monitoring environment. 在您的监控环境中监控计算机的可用性和性能的操作系统(Operatingsystem,OS)代理。
It is not enabled by default on z/ OS. 在z/OS中,它不是缺省启用的。
A server provides the resources used in installation and maintenance of the OS to the client machines. 服务器为客户端计算机OS的安装和维护提供了所需的资源。
An operating system ( OS) instance may have many different host names, but only one node name. 一个操作系统实例可以有许多不同的主机名,但是只能有一个节点名。
A simple example is file-system caching, which can take place in hardware or the OS. 一个简单例子是文件系统缓存,这种缓存可以在硬件或操作系统中发生。
Its function is to define and map the z/ OS infrastructure and lifecycle on the mainframe. 它的功能是定义和描绘出主机上的z/OS基础结构和执行周期。
Prepare your cluster nodes with Linux OS, JDK1.6, and ssh installed. 准备集群节点,在这些节点上安装LinuxOS、JDK1.6和ssh。
Hari has worked on the OS/ 2 kernel and file systems. Hari研究过OS/2内核和文件系统。
Users and Groups are created outside of the database using OS commands. 使用操作系统命令在数据库外创建用户和用户组。
I use a.profile file in my Mac OS X configuration to handle all of these issues. 我在MacOSX配置中使用一个.profile文件处理所有这些问题。
Disk images contain OS, middleware, and other applications. 磁盘映像包含操作系统、中间件和其他应用程序。
This is one of the reasons why Linux is such a powerful OS and development environment. 这就是为什么Linux是非常强大的操作系统和开发环境的原因之一。
The file system mounting can be done from the global system environment to a particular OS instance. 文件系统挂载既可以在全局系统环境中执行,也可以在特定OS实例中执行。
Google redesigned its PC operating system, Chrome OS. 谷歌公司(Google)对它的操作系统ChromeOS进行了重新设计。
Developers can write and test Go applications locally on Linux and Mac OS X and run them on GAE. 开发者可以在Linux和MacOSX本地测试Go应用程序,并在GAE上运行它们。
203 also finally adds a real file system API to Java, providing support for some OS specific functions. JSR203还为Java添加了一个真的文件系统API,提供了对某些OS特定功能的支持。