No, I'm not for abolishing prizes and denying novelists their money. 不,我不赞成停止颁奖和取消小说家的奖金。
The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials. 俄罗斯联邦已经颁布法令废除政府官员的特权。
This government has no intention of abolishing the pound sterling. 政府并不打算废除英镑。
For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments; 他取消我们的许多特许状,废除我们最珍贵的法律并从根本上改变我们各州政府的形式;
Some are calling for abolishing the labor education system. 一些人正在呼吁废除劳动教养制度。
Our goal is abolishing all systems of exploitation of man by man. 我们的目标是消灭一切人剥削人的制度。
If we succeed in abolishing nuclear weapons, our work will not be done. 即使我们成功地废除了核武器,我们的工作也仍未完成。
What's the point of abolishing this system? 废除这个制度又有什么意思呢?
Abolishing subsidies could well be the death of the farming industry in this country. 取消补贴很可能正是赞成这个国家农业问题的原因。
In this respect, I think that abolishing the. 对此,我认为大可不必。
Abolishing the agricultural tax has saved the average peasant around 100 yuan a year. 废除农业税为农民减少了人均每年100元的负担。
Keeping or abolishing the streetwalker system is one of the standards to measure women's liberation and social civilization. 娼妓制度的存废是衡量妇女解放程度和社会文明水平的标志之一。
The IOM responded by abolishing the concept of tax-exempt companies and introduced zero per cent corporation tax. 曼岛的回应做法是废除免税企业的概念,推出了零企业税。
The government has responded to public pressure by abolishing the new tax. 政府在公众压力之下,取消了新的税种。
Although the new tax is unpopular, the government has jibbed at abolishing it completely. 虽然新税不得人心,但是政府拒绝完全将它废除。
This is in turn abolishing the innocence with which we are born. 这反过来废除清白与我们出生。
This year Berlin and Hamburg have followed Saxony in abolishing the low-performing Hauptschulen. 今年柏林和汉堡开始跟着萨克森州,废除低层学生不招收的规定。
This article aims at analyzing the reasonability of abolishing death penalty and the reality of its existence in China. 本文结合目前死刑在世界范围内及中国的存在状况分析其废除的合理性及在中国范围内存在的现实性。
In other words, abolishing the death penalty became a world trend. 也就是说死刑的废除是世界的潮流。
The Fate of China's Household Registration System: Perfecting or Abolishing 中国户籍制度的命运:完善抑或废除
Abolishing the tax altogether would be a bold move. 完全废除该税收将会是一项大胆的举措。
And he was damaged by the revelation that he ignored the advice of officials when abolishing tax relief on pensions in1997. 1997年他无视部分官员的建议,废除了针对养老金的股息税收优惠,该内幕的曝料毁坏了他的形象。
It will never be done until we have succeeded in abolishing war. 直到我们成功地废除了战争,这一任务才算完成。
Still, advocates of the death penalty argue that abolishing capital punishment would hurt crime victims and their families. 然而,死刑的拥护者们表示废除死刑可能伤害到刑事犯罪的受害者和他们的家人们。
The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom. 废除农奴制度后,农奴们获得了解放。
Study on Township Debt after Abolishing Agriculture Taxes in China 后农税时代我国乡镇债务问题研究
Only by abolishing the feudal system can the conditions for such development be created. 只有消灭封建制度,才能取得发展农业生产的条件。
However, he was the first one that suggested the abolishing of TCM in modern times. 但他又是中国近代第一个提出废除中医的人。