The whole air of menace was accentuated by the fact that he was so cordial and soft-voiced. 他如此亲切,说话轻声细语,这更加重了威胁的语气。
He wore a belted raincoat that accentuated his portly middle 他穿着一件系腰带的雨衣,使他发福的腰身更加显眼。
Her suit was so well tailored that it accentuated her graceful figure. 她的衣服非常合体,显出了她那优美的曲线。
She would come to class everyday on a colorful silk scarf that accentuated her lovely smell. 每天她都会系着一条色彩鲜艳的围巾来上课,那条围巾更衬托出她的笑脸。
When skin is dry, says Narins, every wrinkle is accentuated, making you look older. 如果皮肤是干性的,她说,每个皱纹都会很显眼,让你显得更老。
The connection between BPM and SOA has accentuated the alignment of business and IT. BPM和SOA之间的联系强调了业务和IT间需要保持一致性。
She drafted a cover letter that accentuated her unique experience and made her stand out as a candidate. 她写了一封求职信强调了她与众不同的经历,这让她在求职者中脱颖而出。
Instead, one feels collision from similarity, because similarity can generate confusion, particularly after one's identity has been labeled and accentuated by his or her culture. 因为相似会产生困惑,尤其是当一个人被他或她的文化贴上标签并加以强调之后。
The war has accentuated fractures between neighbouring states. 那次战争加深了周边国家之间的裂痕。
This sudden and sometimes severely accentuated gravity resembled the disdain of a goddess. 这种突如其来的庄重,有时甚至显得严厉,正象女神的鄙夷神情。
This heating is accentuated with height because of absorption of solar energy by ozone. 因为太阳能主要被臭氧所吸收,这种加热随高度的变化很突出。
The standard for representing letters, numbers and control characters on7-bits ( 8 bits for accentuated character sets). 用七位比特来描述字母、数字和控制符的标准(8位是增强字符集)。
The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach. 那件紧身套头毛衣反更突出了他那肥胖的肚子。
However this doesn't mean that they should be accentuated and featured. 然而这并不是说它们应该被强调和起重要作用。
But the changing fortunes of nuclear power have accentuated the ups and downs for uranium. 然而,核大国的命运变化突出了铀的起伏。
Nevertheless, we would like to make the distinction between a parent and its children more accentuated by adding a space between them. 然而,我们想父母之间的区别,其子女多,增加了他们之间的空间加剧。
The absorption isn't very strong so that this is no accentuated reflection of red light at the surface. 吸收并不是很强,因此在表面上没有红光的强烈反射。
The23-year-old style icon accentuated her mobile look with fuschia lipstick, heavily lined eyes and strong brows. 与这位23岁的时尚达人的发型相搭配的,是她的桃红色口红、浓浓的眼线和深色的眉毛。
As we know Nietzsche also points out this component, in this way he accentuated the semiotic character of consciousness. 如我们所知,尼采同样指出了这一点,这样他强调了意识的符号性。
The vortices are caused by quantum-mechanical inference scatterers and are accentuated by evanescent states. 涡流出现是量子相干散射造成的,并与衰减模式的存在有重要关系。
Increasing genetic uniformity in crops has accentuated the potential effect of diseases. 植物基因越来越多的一致性加剧了病害潜在的不良影响。
This has accentuated market volatility and illiquidity. 这加剧了市场波动性,导致流动性愈发不足。
The exhaustion rate increase dramatically at higher temperature so tailing is accentuated by elevated temperature in the dye pad. 在较高温度下上染速率急剧增加,所以提高染浴的温度使得头尾色差更加明显。
Her white dress accentuated her sunburn. 她雪白的衣服更显出她晒黑的肤色。
The rise and rise of residential investment by the middle classes, especially in the UK and us, has accentuated this trend. 中产阶层在住宅方面的投资一再增加特别是在英国和美国已使这一趋势更为明显。
The pain was markedly accentuated by deep inspiration, although it was not pleuritic in nature. 虽然没有肋膜带性状,但这痛因深吸气而显著加剧。
I strongly suspect that the widespread use of a relatively narrow range of commercial yeasts has accentuated this phenomenon. 我强烈怀疑,种类相对较少的商业酵母的广泛使用,加剧了这一现象。
When you take it up to heads of state and government, the imbalances are accentuated. 当你把它用到政府首脑的级别时,失衡就比较突出了。
I believe he has allowed me to understand the NBA game better, and he's accentuated my strengths of concentration and efficiency on the court. 我认为他使我更加理解NBA比赛,而且他使我在比赛中高注意力和高效率的优点得到更大的发挥。
Pique may utilize heavy yarns, called stuffer yarns, to produce an accentuated pattern. 凹凸织物可以采用称为填充纱线的粗特纱线,以产生一种有突出色彩的花型。