VERB (唐突地或带有威胁性地)走近跟…攀谈,上前与…搭讪 If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.
A few lone women are intended accost he, he also is happy such. 一个男的在街一些单身女人故意勾引他,他也乐于如此。
Jean Valjean, who, an instant previously, in his then state of mind, would not have spoken to or even answered any one, felt irresistibly impelled to accost that child. 在这以前,冉阿让在他那样的心境中是对谁都不会说一句话,也不会答一句话的。这时他却按捺不住,主动向那孩子说话了。
If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter, and passed on. 如果他们执意要和她搭讪,她就用一个手指按住那红宇,侧身而过。
He walked to the door and opened it, prepared to accost an intruder with righteous indignation. 他走上前去开门,义愤填膺地想向闯入者发难。
Executive accountability and the rule of law were necessary to accost them, said Githongo. 行政问责制和法治对于治理这些问题是必要的。