After admonishing both sides to respect the rules of the court, the judge adjourned the hearing. 法官告诫双方遵守法庭纪律,随后宣布休庭。
Indeed, this is the season when countless articles are published admonishing helicopter parents to stop hovering so much. 这个时候显然是无数人发表文章劝诫直升机家长不要在孩子头顶盘旋个没完没了的时候。
It is waste of time, admonishing you. 劝告你简直是浪费工夫。 play a role in resolving those tensions, admonishing that Washington should'approach such issues in a very prudent way. 崔天凯无视越南和菲律宾呼吁美国介入以化解紧张局势的要求,并告诫华盛顿“应以非常谨慎的方式处理这些问题”。
But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile. 但是,这些传播美丽的使者每晚都会出现,他们用劝解的微笑点亮了整个宇宙。
A mother is admonishing her son. 妈妈正在教育她的儿子。
State media also tried to cool things down by admonishing local officials for failing to deal properly with the case in the first place. 官方媒体也指责地方官员未能在第一时间妥善处理此案,试图以此平息事端。
In recent days Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, and Susan Schwab, the US trade representative, have both made statements admonishing China over its trade, economic and currency policies. 近日,美国财长汉克•保尔森(HankPaulson)和美国贸易代表苏珊•施瓦布(SusanSchwab)纷纷表态,批评中国的贸易、经济和汇率政策。
Criticising Washington for being irrational about tax and spending a year from a presidential election is about as pointless as admonishing a box full of frogs. 在距离总统大选还有一年时批评华盛顿对税收和消费问题不够理性,就像警告一箱青蛙一样毫无意义。
Col.3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to God. 西三16当用各样的智慧,让基督的话丰丰富富地住在你们里面,用诗章、颂辞、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒,心被恩感歌颂神;
Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, admonishing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified. 提前两个星期,梅布尔就在告示杆上张贴了一张布告,敦促我们在指定的星期六把各自的汽车开走。
Broadband is brimming with videos of frightened hostages and unsympathetic citizens admonishing the aid workers for not heeding the government's travel warning. 网络中充斥着恐惧的被劫持者的录像以及缺乏同情心的市民谴责义工团不利混政府的去阿富汗的旅行禁令。
Di Leonardo shook his finger as though ADMONISHING a backward pupil. 迪·莱昂那多挥动着手指,似乎正在告诫那个后进生。
With its terse and comprehensive language and melodious rhyme, English saying, like a shining pearl, characterized by its grammar, rhetorical device and origin, is widely employed in English literature, summing up experience of human work and life and admonishing people. 英语谚语以精练的语言闪烁于英国文学之中,在文法、修辞和来源上有其鲜明的特点,是对社会生产和生活的经验总结并可以劝诫后人。
Parental instruction, which aims at instructing and admonishing generation, putting family members 'behavior into regulation, coping with the family affairs, is a kind of statement and action, is also an essential expressive form for father power and clan authority. 家训,是传统宗法社会父家长垂诫训示子孙后代,用以规范家人行为、处理家庭事务的一种言行准则,是父权与族权的重要表达形式。