She ignored the admonitions of her mother. 她对母亲的告诫置若罔闻。
Bad habits of gamble or drug addiction which remain incorrigible despite repeated admonition; 有赌博、吸毒等恶习屡教不改的;
One morning, he threw him this admonition 一天早晨,他这样数落了他一次
And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 你们作父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,只要照着主的教训和警戒,养育他们。
And now this admonition is for you, O priests. 众祭司阿,这诫命是传给你们的。
Of course, that isn't an admonition to go to the other extreme& don't avoid something just because it is a standard. 当然,这并不是说要您走另一个极端&不要仅仅因为它是标准就逃避。
For example, I don't know of a single programmer who couldn't benefit from the admonition to "fix the problem, not the blame" and to sign your work like a proud craftsman. 例如,我认为没从“要解决问题,而不是推卸责任”这句忠言中受益的程序员,不能像个自豪的艺术家一样在他的杰作上签上大名。
It holds out to us a perpetual admonition to preserve alike and with equal anxiety the rights of each individual State in its own government and the rights of the whole nation in that of the Union. 这为我们提出一个劝戒,要同样地以相等渴望来保留每一个州在其自己政府中的权利和保留整个民族在联邦中的权利。
It was an admonition then; it is an urgent need today. 这番话在当时是一种忠告,在今天则是迫切的需要。
The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless. 那个打字员因粗心大意受到管理人的训诫。
We've all heard the admonition: "Cut your losses, let your profits run". 我们都听过这样的格言:斩断亏损,让利润奔跑。
I felt perplexed: I didn't know whether it were not a proper opportunity to offer a bit of admonition. 我觉得很惶惑。我不知道现在是不是奉献忠告的合适机会。
Perhaps stung by Papua New Guinea's admonition, the US caved in and was cheered. 或许是受巴布亚新几内亚警告的刺激,美国做出了让步,受到了各方的欢呼。
Isabel listened with extreme respect to this admonition. 伊莎贝尔非常郑重地听取了这个期望。
Athletes like Liu do not need admonition of any kind. 像刘这样的运动员不需要任何形式的警告。
With this parting admonition, he left Clyde to his thoughts. 这样临行前劝告了一番,他就走了,留下克莱德自己想心事。
Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, set the tone with a tough admonition just before the gathering began. 财政部长蒂莫西?盖特纳TimGeithner在年会开始之前的强硬警告就定下了基调。
The best preservative to keep the mind in health, is the faithful admonition of a friend. 最能使心灵健全的莫过于朋友的良言忠告。
The students take the admonition from their teacher. 学生们接受老师的劝告。
With the admonition that you don't rush into marriage. 以切勿仓促结婚的告诫。
Ambrosia had pushed Edgar and the girl in there with admonition to have some fun. 安布罗西娅把埃德加和姑娘往里边一推,还劝告他们寻欢作乐。
Feinstein was asked how he as a Jew could square his endorsement of Jackson with Koch's admonition. 有人问范思坦,他以一个犹太人不顾葛德华的劝阻来支持杰克逊,怎么说得过去呢?
He was very aware of his own admonition not to discuss his training. 他非常了解自己所给予的训诫-不能谈论自己训练的过程。
Real life has shown that it is not appropriate to regard "admonition" as a disciplinary measure and that it is inconvenient to divide warnings into private and public warnings. 实际生活证明:把劝告作为一种处分是不适宜的,把警告分作当面和当众两种也有许多不便。
In track cycling, there are some ways to punish: admonition, penalize time, fine, and debase class. 在自行车运动中,违规罚责有:警告、罚时间、罚款和降低名次。
Another is the admonition not to throw your pearls before swine, not to preach to those who can't hear, or won't be perceptive. 第二个是一句警句:,不要在猪的面前乱扔你的珍珠,不要对那些失聪者,和不可感化者布道。
Another Keynesian dictum "in the long run we are all dead" was an admonition against the irresponsibility of doing nothing if we obstinately rely on the self-correcting power of market forces. 凯恩斯的另一条格言“长期来看,我们都会死亡”是对一味依赖市场的自我修正功能,什么事情都不做的不负责任态度的警告。
But thee We only sent to give glad tidings and admonition. 我只派遣你为报喜者和警告者。
There is no record of the context of this admonition, and the quotation itself may be accurate or even apocryphal. 拿破仑是在什么场合发出这一警告的,没有记载可查,引用的话本身可能并不准确,甚至有可能是伪造的。
You guys refuse to mend your ways despite of repeated admonition! 你们这些屡教不改的家伙!