The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces 这项太空计划将以武装部队作后盾继续进行。
She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford. 在鲍里斯·福特的支持下,她去了谢菲尔德大学讲课。
In support of these goals, we agree to undertake regular consultations under the aegis of the United Nations and other multilateral institutions. 为实现这些目标,双方同意在联合国及其它多边机构的框架下举行定期磋商。
Apart from all this, you can also provide custom types over the default Aegis types to perform mapping. 除此之外,您还可以提供定制类型,先于默认Aegis类型执行映射。
You will use Aegis external mapping file to perform these element customization. 然后使用Aegis外部映射文件执行这些元素定制。
Through Aegis external mapping file you will rename the method parameter and the bean properties and the results can be seen in the SOAP payload. 通过Aegis外部映射文件,您可以重新命名方法参数和bean属性,并在SOAP有效负载中查看结果。
Aegis can also be used in a standalone application outside of CXF environment. Aegis还可以在CXF环境以外的单独应用程序中使用。
Aegis can perform schema validation for incoming messages or request. Aegis可以对传入的消息或请求执行模式验证。
Aegis's use of external mapping file give the developers more control and flexibility and enable them to customize the mapping based on their project needs. Aegis使用外部映射文件为开发人员提供更多的控制权和灵活性,使他们能够根据其项目需要来定制映射。
Unlike JAXB where bindings are more at the property and parameter level, Aegis can allow to specify a generic binding. 与JAXB不同的是,使用JAXB时更多是在属性和参数级别上指定绑定。Aegis可能允许指定一般的绑定。
In this step, you will customize the SOAP elements using Aegis databinding. 在这一步中,将使用Aegis数据绑定来定制SOAP元素。
After applying Aegis data binding, you can see the element changed to and the child elements and changed to and respectively. 在应用Aegis数据绑定之后,您可以看见元素被更改为,而子元素和被分别更改为和。
Finally, you will need to add the Aegis capability to client and the server code. 最后,您需要将Aegis功能添加到客户端和服务器代码中。
With Aegis you can specify binding at the service level. 借助Aegis,您可以在服务级别上指定绑定。
New communities and States are seeking protection under its aegis, and multitudes from the Old World are flocking to our shores to participate in its blessings, beneath its benign sway peace and prosperity prevail. 新的社区和州正在它的支持下寻求保护,而来自旧大陆的人群正蜂拥至我们的海岸来分享它的祝福,在它的善良统治下和平和繁荣盛行。
And so long as it is worth defending a patriotic militia will cover it with an impenetrable aegis. 而只要它值得被保护,一个爱国的武装人民将护之以坚不可摧的盾牌。
The conference was organized under the aegis of the university. 会议的组织工作得到大学的支持。
All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe. 那统统皆正在阿谁宇宙的制物神的保护下完秤弈。
Japan had already ordered new Aegis guided-missile destroyers with sophisticated radars, and Patriot missile batteries on land. 盲降进近和离场将用精密雷达引导。日本此前已经订购了配备精密雷达的新型宙斯盾导弹驱逐舰和陆基爱国者导弹连。
Under the aegis of the United Nations, nations allied with the United States intervened on behalf of South Korea. 在联合国的支持下,有美国参加的盟军代表南韩介入了战争。
Aegis supports push and pull updates, so a change in the repository can be transferred to the working directories automatically. Aegis支持「推拉更新」(pushandpullupdates),所以在仓库中的一个改变可以被自动转移到工作目录中。
Lanzhou Chinese navy ships ( 170 ships), named "China Aegis" destroyers. 中国海军兰州舰(170舰),外界称之为中华神盾舰。
Before the launch, America, South Korea and Japan deployed destroyers equipped with Aegis anti-missile systems to nearby waters. 在朝鲜发射之前,美国、韩国和日本就在近水域布置了宙斯盾反导弹系统准备拦截。
So a lot of students in Princeton take courses in engineering school under the aegis of the Keller Center. 普林斯顿的很多学生都选了,工程学院的课程,而工程学院正是由Keller中心赞助的。
A conference under the aegis of the United Nations. 一个联合国主办的会议。
Like similar projects, Aegis has one central archive, the so-called repository. 如同类似的工程,Aegis有一个中央档案柜,叫做仓库(repository)。
A study conducted under the aegis of the university. 由大学主办的一次研究。
The project was set up under the aegis of the university. 这个项目是在这所大学的支持下设立的。
The official ones, those played under the aegis of the Italian football league. 这项官方比赛是意大利足球联盟主办。
This building is used to train Navy personnel on the electronics of current-generation Aegis cruisers and destroyers. 这个建筑是用来列车在当前一代宙斯盾巡洋舰和驱逐舰电子海军人员。