The afflicted person should keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids. 病人不应吃固体食物而要多喝流质食物。
Many of the children are afflicted by festering sores. 很多孩子深受溃烂创痛的折磨。
Both of them were afflicted with a rare genetic disease, which struck in their thirties 他们两个都得了一种罕见的遗传病,这种病在他们30多岁时发作。
Those afflicted with the disease are often unaware of it in the early stages. 这种病初起时,患者每不自觉。
She's doing brilliantly in her career, but her personal life is an afflicted area. 她在事业上颇有成就,但她的个人生活却是个灾区。
There was no change in her face, but swithin's pale eyes bulged as though he might suddenly have been afflicted with insight. 她的面色一点不改,可是斯悦辛人的淡黄眼睛瞪了起来,就好像突然触见了什么事情而痛苦似的。
This afflicted German intelligence with two fatal flaws: inefficiency, and subjugation to a madman. 这给德国情报工作造成了两个致命的弱点,一个是缺乏效率,另一个是让一个疯子总管情报。
MANY countries have been afflicted by a "resource curse". 很多国家都曾因“资源诅咒”饱受折磨。
Although I have afflicted you, O Judah, I will afflict you no more. 犹大阿,我虽然使你受苦,却不再使你受苦。
I had a friend once who was truly afflicted with misfortune. 我曾经有这么一位朋友,她的确遭遇了不幸。
More chaos afflicted brazil's airports. 巴西的机场出现了更大的混乱。
Most of us know people afflicted by mental illness. 我们中绝大多数人都认识受精神疾病折磨的人。
He is afflicted with severe rheumatics. 他承受严重的风湿病的折磨。
They are afflicted, the times and the mind of man. 时代和人的心都有毛病。
One or more joints can be afflicted with the condition. 一个或多个关节可患的条件。
He is not afflicted with any loathsome, dangerous or contagious disease; 他没有染上了任何令人作呕,危险或传染性的疾病;
All of them were afflicted with a feeling of sad helplessness. 他们都被一种悲哀无助的感情所困扰。
People severely afflicted by psoriasis have a significantly increased risk of dying from heart disease, new research shows. 近日,瑞典公布的一项最新研究结果显示,那些饱受折磨的牛皮癣患者死于心脏病的可能性要比其他人高很多。
If we can develop the reagent box, we can monitor the surrounding environment as well as those afflicted. 如果我们可以发明这种试剂盒,我们就可以控制周围的环境和那些痛苦的疾病。
Those afflicted with Alzheimer's suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills. 老年痴呆症的患者遭受着记忆丧失,决策能力受损和言语和行动技能减退的痛苦。
The "Horn of Africa" in eastern Africa has been afflicted by the worst drought in60 years. 东非的“非洲之角”正遭受60年来最严重的旱灾。
AIDS and the elderly: More elderly afflicted with HIV. 艾滋病与老人:越来越多的老年人遭受艾滋病毒折磨。
Fomenting the afflicted part can relieve the sciatica, arthritis and fatigue and aches of muscles. ④热垫患处可缓解坐骨神经痛、关节炎和肌肉疲劳酸痛。
Why? I would go to meet the people there who have been afflicted by famine and devastation. 为什么?我要去探望受饥饿和劫掠困扰的伊拉克人民。
Her mother was afflicted with eye disease. 她妈妈患了眼病。
He put on a look of ineffable distress and said that he was aware how God had afflicted her. 他摆出一副说不出多么伤感的神色说,他知道上帝怎样折磨了她。
In case the man with humility was to be afflicted, hero, kill me. 如果谦虚都要受折磨,英雄,你杀了我吧!
Throughout history, the afflicted have often been ostracized by their communities and families. 在整个历史中,患者常常遭到其社区和家庭的排斥。
I am afflicted with his failure. 他的失败使我痛苦。
But he had passion and energy and a palpable desire to comfort the afflicted. 但他有热情、能量和一种强烈的愿望安抚受苦难的人。