I'd like to emphasize the aforesaid opinion. 我想强调一下上述的观点。
To advocate socialist legal system while providing aforesaid services. 通过上述业务活动,进行社会主义法制宣传。
However, all the aforesaid growth would not be possible had I stayed in China under my parents'wings. 这些弥足珍贵的经历是我在国内无论如何也不可能得到的。
Of course, as the aforesaid writer of humorous fantasy I'm obsessed by wacky, zany ideas. 当然了,就像前面说的,我是写幽默奇幻的作家,自然净是古怪滑稽的念头。
To report to it Resources Planning Management Committee on the aforesaid matters. 向资讯科技资源计划及管理委员会报告上述事项。
Issuers shall disclose the aforesaid commitment in the listing statementletter of listing announcement. 发行人应当在上市公告书中披露上述承诺。
An element-free analysis program for simulation of three-dimensional discontinuous interfaces is developed on basis of the aforesaid discussion. 在上述基础上,编制了模拟三维不连续面的无单元法程序。
At the end of the aforesaid period, the vehicles shall become the property of the contractor. 在上述时期的末尾,车辆应成为承包商的财产。
If the company has entrusted loans, it shall disclose the issue with a reference to the aforesaid entrustment. 若公司有委托贷款事项,也应比照上述委托行为予以披露。
The people's court shall reject the appeal that does not conform to the aforesaid stipulations. 人民法院对不符合前款规定的申请,予以驳回。
The aforesaid goods shall be manufactured by party C for party B with machines supplied by party B. 上述货物将由丙方使用乙方提供的机器为乙方生产。
Foreign exchange control agencies are entitled to regulate and inspect aforesaid issues. 外汇管理机关有权对前款规定事项进行监督检查。
In default of the aforesaid data, no experimental animals may be used. 无上述资料的实验动物不得应用。
The aforesaid shares enjoy equal rights to the other issued shares. 上述股份与其他已发行股份享有同等权益。
The aforesaid institutions exclude the foreign-funded financial institutions established within China. 上述金融机构不包括在华设立的外资金融机构。
And his Seal is this, which wear thou, as aforesaid, etc. 和他的印章是这样,穿你,如前述,等等。
The aforesaid arrangement seemed preposterous. 上述安排似乎有点荒唐。
The aforesaid documents shall be located at the company domicile for the public to look up and read. 上述文件应当备置于公司住所,供公众查阅。
Bonus aforesaid shall not be counted into salary amount after taxation. 上述奖金不计入计税工资总额。
Relevant entities and personnel shall still be held accountable despite the taking of the aforesaid measures. 实施上述措施,不妨碍对相关单位和人员的责任追究。
The translation of comparable financial statements shall be subject to the aforesaid provisions. 比较财务报表的折算比照上述规定处理。
Without the approval of the Customs, the aforesaid goods shall not be transferred or sold. 未经海关许可,上述货物不得转让或出售。
Those who have violated the aforesaid provisions shall have their right to issue visa notice revoked. 严重违反规定的,取消其签证通知权。
Otherwise, Party B shall take full liability for the damage or loss cause by the aforesaid actions. 否则,乙方应就因上述行为所造成的损害或损失承担全部的赔偿责任。
The aforesaid amount ( s) shall include interests and reasonable fees and expenses which might be incurred for arbitration. 上述担保金额应包括利息和进行仲裁可能发生的合理费用在内。
The competent authorities shall impose necessary administrative and disciplinary sanctions on those who have violated the aforesaid provisions. 违反者,主管部门应给予必要的行政或纪律处分。
Except as aforesaid such article of transport shall be considered the package or unit. 除上述情况外,应视为此种装运器具即是件或单位。
As sorbitol is one of the polyhydric alcohols, the aforesaid regulations are not applicable to sorbitol. 由于山梨醇是多羟醇的一种,因此该规例不适用于山梨醇。
The aforesaid central archives authority-in-charge shall be established within two years of the promulgation of this act. 前项档案中央主管机关,最迟应于本法公布后二年内设立。
Except as aforesaid the goods in such article of transport are deemed one shipping unit. 除上述情况外,这种运输器具内的货物视为一个货运单位。