At first glance, it all seems an alchemist's illusion. 乍看上去,它完全像是一位炼金术士的幻术。
Or maybe The Alchemist, if he would like to get away from his real world into the imaginary world of The Alchemist. 也许还有《炼金术士》,如果他想离开真实世界,可以到《炼金术士》的想象世界里呆一会儿。
She shall be our alchemist, to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught. 她是我们的炼金术士,她把生活中一切美好的东西融为和谐的力量。
When the alchemist wasalertedthat the aliens were coming down from the mountains andalightingon the roofs of buildings his peers still did not believe what healleged. 当炼金术士注意到外星人正从山上下来并且降落在屋顶上时,同僚们还是不相信他的断言。
In addition to being named chief ambassador to the aliens, the alchemist wasallottedmore honor than he had ever dreamed. 炼金术士不仅被任命为首席驻外星大使,而且还被给予了超出他梦想的殊荣。
If you want to make potions, then be an Alchemist. 例如如果想制作药水,可以成为炼金术士。
"Alchemist's Stone" will no longer increase healing and mana gained from items which are not potions. 炼金师之石不再增加治疗药水和法力药水以外的物品提供的生命和法力恢复值。
Would you rather be an alchemist or a chemist? 那么,你想做一个炼金术士,还是一个化学家呢?
Alchemist Healing Spray has an increased range. 练金士治疗喷射范围。
This means when partying you'll more than likely want a First Aid character in your party, a cook to cook during your down time and an Alchemist to supply your group with potions. 这意味着组队时更希望具有治疗能力的人物加入,或者找一个厨师在战斗间歇时烹调一顿大餐,或者炼金术士提供药水。
An elite alchemist of the highest caliber, Razzil was employed by the Sentinel to develop new experimental chemical weapons against the Scourge. 拉吉尔是名才能卓越的菁英炼金术士,他受到铁卫军的雇用,以研制对抗天谴军的新式化学战剂为职。
Potion master: allows an alchemist to sometimes create an additional potion when brewing high level potions. 药剂大师:在这个分支的练金师可以制造更多更高等级的药剂。
He fancied himself a sort of modern-day alchemist. 他乱七八糟地说他是现代炼金士。
To create a flaming sword, for example, an alchemist will need to make a potion of flame oil, while a blacksmith will have to forge a particular sword, after which the two can be combined. 比如,创造一把火焰剑需要一位炼金术士制作一些火焰油,然后一位铁匠铸造一把特别的剑,再将两者混合到一起。
For example, if an alchemist wanted to make gold out of base metals, she would try melting lead and silver together, then, if that approach seemed right, she would continue. 如果一个炼金术士想要从廉价金属中得到金子,他很可能会采用这种方法:把熔铅和银混合到一起。
Their father was a well recognized alchemist, which is probably where their knack for it comes from. 他们的父亲是一个公认的炼金术士,这可能是他们的天赋来自。
Well, I've always seen myself as an alchemist, a catalyst for change. 好吧,我总认为自己是个炼金术士和变化的催化剂。
In her early alchemist days, Vidomina once sought a legendary artifact on the Isle of Crypts. 在她早期的炼金术士生涯中,薇多米娜有一次在地穴之岛发现了一个传说中的宝物。
Imagine what would happen if an alchemist could transform lead into gold, at no cost. 设想一下,如果一位炼金术士能够零成本地把铅炼成金,结果会怎样呢?
27a Gnome alchemist has found a new way to shape metal, and dwarf craftsmen don't want the method known. 一个侏儒炼金术士发现了一种锻造金属的新工艺,而矮人工匠们却不希望这个方法公布于世。
A German alchemist tried to transmute silver into gold. 一位德国的炼金术士试图将白银炼成黄金。
Kelley was a notorious forger, mystic and alchemist who was familiar with Cardan grilles. 凯利是个恶名昭彰的伪造者、秘主义者和炼金术士,相当熟悉卡丹格板。
The alchemist had always been alienated from his peers because of his alarming theories. 由于这位炼金术士提出的理论令人惊恐,他总是被同僚们疏远。
Though it is not stated explicitly in the book, Santiago is himself an alchemist& someone like Coelho, who has the power to take something common and render it remarkable. 圣地亚哥自己就是炼金士,虽然书中并没有明确指出这一点,但他却和科尔贺一样,拥有化平凡为神奇的力量。
Even if the alchemist were in the upper room now, eventually he must finish his business and depart. 即使是炼金术士现在在上面一层房间,他最终会做完自己的事情,而后离开。
Rissa was the first Alchemist to perfect the art of converting useless soft metals into mercury. 瑞萨是第一个能将无用金属转化成水银的炼金术士。
The third possibility is that the manuscript was a hoax devised for monetary gain or that it is some mad alchemist's meaningless ramblings. 第三种可能是,这份手稿是用来诈财的骗局,或是某个疯狂炼金术士的信手涂鸦。