He showed great courage by admitting that he is an alcoholic. 他以极大的勇气承认自己酗酒。
Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge. 酒店的公共休息室出售酒精饮料。
They have in their mind a picture of what an alcoholic should look like 他们的心中有一个酒鬼应有的样子。
He's not a real alcoholic 他并非货真价实的酒鬼。
How does a suffering alcoholic get into one of these hospitals? Sad to say, there are not very many of them around 一个受酒瘾折磨的酗酒者怎样才能进入这样一家医院呢?很遗憾,这种医院并不多。
It is very alcoholic, sometimes near the strength of port 它的酒精浓度很高,有时接近波尔图葡萄酒的浓度。
Alcoholic drinks act as a poison to a child. 酒精饮料对小孩犹如毒药。
Alcoholic drinks are relatively expensive. 低度饮料相应地涨价了。
It was difficult for him to admit that he was an alcoholic. 很难让他承认自己是酒鬼。
He became an alcoholic and lost his job. 他变成酒鬼,并且丢了工作。
The guests left in an alcoholic haze. 客人们醉醺醺地离去了。
Alcoholic beverages are not sold to children. 含酒精的饮料不出售给儿童。
The man who is obssessed with his job is just as hooked as the alcoholic, the junkie, or the compulsive gambler. 被工作迷了心窍的人和酒鬼,吸毒者或惯赌一样瘾头都很大。
This restaurant does not serve alcoholic beverages. 这家餐厅不供应酒品。
We need this product for our production of vodka and some other alcoholic beverages. 我们需要这种产品包装伏特加和其他酒饮料。
I'm an alcoholic and I'm powerless over it. 我是个酗酒者,对此我无能为力。
It's a mixed alcoholic drink. 这是一种调的酒饮料。
Tobacco and some alcoholic beverages; 烟草和部分酒精类饮料;
I know but I can't, I'm an alcoholic. 我知道,但我不能,我是个爱好喝酒的人。
He became a violent alcoholic and then had a mental breakdown. 他变成了一个粗暴的酒徒,后来精神崩溃。
Conclusion: Mussel polysaccharide has protective effect on alcoholic hepatic injury. 结论:贻贝多糖对酒精性肝损伤有保护作用。
Supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages. 支持或允许酒精饮料的合法生产和销售。
Have non-alcoholic drinks in-between alcoholic ones. 如饮超过一杯,交替饮用含酒精与不含酒精的饮品。
Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body. 含酒精的饮料会对你的身体有坏的影响。
I'm allergic to alcohol. that's why I keep off alcoholic drinks. 我对酒精过敏。这就是我不喝酒精饮料的原因。
I spent that winter with my insane alcoholic father. 我和我嗜酒如命的父亲度过了一个冬天。
You have to admit you're an alcoholic. 你必须承认你是个酗酒者。
Excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic drinks. 用酒精过量或者过量饮用含酒精的饮料。
I'm caroline. I'm not sure I'm an alcoholic. 我是卡洛琳,我不是酒鬼。
You may also choose to serve wine and other alcoholic beverages. 您也可以选择服务,葡萄酒和其他含酒精饮料。