He stopped to ask residents how long they've lived in the neighborhood before ambling away. 在缓步离开之前,他停下来询问市民他们在这附近住了多久。
His giant ambling confidence hushes down all my inherent nervousness and reminds me that everything really is going to be OK. 他从容不迫的自信,安抚了我与生俱来的紧张兮兮,提醒我一切都会没事。
At that moment the tiger commenced ambling towards his victim. 就在这时,老虎开始缓步向它的猎物走去。
You spend your first couple of Saturday afternoons ambling around among the dusty shelves, savoring a page or a chapter as you please. 前几个星期六的下午,你可以在灰蒙蒙的书架前溜达溜达,只要愿意,就可以细细品味一页或一章。
This irregularity, which might become an ambling movement, is a serious deterioration of the gait. 这种不规整的运动是严重的错误步伐,有可能变成侧对步运动。
We spend some time ambling around the outer walls, debating whether to go in or not. 我们在孔府的外墙溜达了一段时间,究竟进去与否,我们还争论了老半天时间。
You can also check what's nearby on the chromosome by ambling a specific number of base pairs one way or the other along the double helix. 您还可以检查什么就在附近的染色体由安布林一个碱基对这种或那种方式沿着双螺旋其他具体的数字。
Romeo: Give me a torch, I am not for this ambling. 给我一个火炬,我不高兴跳舞。
You spend your first couple of Saturday afternoons ambling round among dusty shelves, savouring a page or a chapter as you please, or fingering the piles of oddments that litter counters or tables. 最初的几个周六下午,你会在积灰的货架之间来回踱步,随心地细细品读一页或一章,或者翻动胡乱堆在角落里和桌子上的小东西。
He came ambling down the road. 他沿路溜溜达达地来了。
After the couple's final Macau ambling spree was secretly videotaped in1999, authorities came down hard. 自1999年他俩在澳门的最后一场豪赌被偷录下来以后,政府非常失望。
The piece is really cute? you can just imagine a little donkey ambling along a country road with its master? 曲子写的很好,你可以想象一头可爱的小驴和它的主人漫步在乡间小路上的情景。
Later that week we were driving home and I noticed three fat raccoons ambling down the road. 那周晚些时候,我们开车回家,我注意到三只肥胖的浣熊在路上休闲地逛着。
We sat outside of the many cafes, chatting, drinking and basking in the sun, watching the people ambling past and admiring the architecture. 我们坐在一家咖啡馆外,聊着天、饮着酒、沐浴着阳光,一边看着人们悠闲地从身边经过,一边欣赏着建筑。
I drank a lot, I had a job and I met people, and I continued my ambling in a city that was not mine. 我喝很多酒,有一份工作,结交朋友,并且继续在一个不属于我的城市里游荡。