Predictability and dependability are appealingly old-fashioned virtues. 对于股票而言,可预测性和可靠性历来是吸引人的优点。
The dog looked up at her appealingly. 狗可怜巴巴地望着她。
Altman takes an elegant, appealingly unemphatic look at the world of ballet. 劳勃阿特曼以优雅及非刻意强调吸引力的镜头来进入芭蕾舞的世界。
The table was set appealingly. 桌子放在引人注意的地方。
She looked appealingly in his direction, but he turned aside. 她恳求地朝他看去,但他却把头转向一边。
She put her two little hands together and pressed them appealingly. 她把她的一双纤手恳求般地紧紧合在一起。
An old farm mower rusting appealingly in an overgrown field. 在杂草丛生的田里,一台生了锈的旧式农用割草机引人注目。
He struggled to get command of his voice; and then, looking up appealingly, forced the words out between his sobs 他极力要控制自己的声音,然后求饶地抬头望着,掺杂着哭声勉强说道
Playful in an appealingly bold way. 大胆的引人注意的顽皮方式。
She looked appealingly at the two girls who kept their eyes cast down and then hopefully toward Uncle Peter's erect back. 她祈求似的望着那两位低头不语的姑娘,然后又满怀希望地看看彼得大叔那挺直的脊背。
Oh, if she could only have such a part, how broad would be her life! She, too, could act appealingly. 啊,但愿她也能演一个这样的角色,那么她的生活将会拥有多么广阔的空间!而且,她也能演得富有魅力。
Yelping, prissy raised her head and peering over the side of the wagon saw it was, indeed, a cow, a red and white animal which stood looking at them appealingly with large frightened eyes. 百里茜哭叫着抬起头来,从马车一边的挡板上朝外看了看,看见真是一头母牛,一头红白花的大母牛,站在那里用吃惊的大眼睛巴巴地瞧着他们。
The old villa seemed appealingly rustic. 那栋古老的别墅似乎有一种令人神往的乡村风味。