This date was an ancient pegan observation, the end of the Feast of the Lemures, in which the evil and restless spirits of all the dead were appeased. 这一节期原本是古老的异教节日&勒姆瑞斯(夜游魂)节的末尾,在这一节日期间人们试图安抚那些邪恶且永不安宁的亡魂。
That is why political instability in Turkey can no longer be appeased just by winning elections. 正因如此,仅凭赢得选举已无法平息土耳其的政治动荡了。
On Tuesday, Mayer appeased Starboard other disgruntled investors by announcing a spin-off of its remaining Alibaba stake. 本周二,梅耶尔宣布将剥离剩余的阿里股份,以此安抚Starboard及其他心怀不满的投资者。
And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, ye men of ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess diana, and of the image which fell down from jupiter? 那城里的书记,安抚了众人,就说,以弗所人哪,谁不知道以弗所人的城,是看守大亚底米的庙,和从宙斯那里落下来的像呢。
The angry man was not appeased until I said I was sorry. 直到我说抱歉,这个生气的人才平静下来。
When the wolf had appeased his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, fell asleep and began to snore very loud. 狼满足了食欲之后便重新躺到床上睡觉,而且鼾声震天。
But his victims were not appeased. 但他的受害者并没有退让。
But labour will not be so easily appeased. 但劳工不会那么容易被安抚。
They appeased their child by giving him candy. 他们给啼哭的孩子吃糖使他不哭。
Mr. Sympson was appeased and his family tranquillized. 辛普森先生气消了,他一家人也安定下来了。
His hunger could only be appeased by his wife. 他的欲望只有他的妻子能满足。
Hitler was appeased at Munich. 在慕尼黑对希特勒实行了绥靖政策。
Important sectors of public opinion will be appeased by nothing less than internationalising the US product-safety regime. 代表公众舆论的一些重要群体在美国的产品安全管理机制得到国际推广之前也不会满意。
The greater a man is, the more easily can his wrath is appeased. 越易息怒的人,越伟大。
They tried to argue it away by reminding conscience that they had purloined sweetmeats and apples scores of times; but conscience was not to be appeased by such thin plausibilities; 他们试图安抚自己的良心,说以往他们也多次偷过糖果和苹果,可是良心并不买这个帐。
He appeased other LVI players in the stands urging him to show off during warmups. 在热身的时候,他简单满足了其他拉斯维加斯美国亚裔邀请赛球员要求他表演的愿望。
It was not enough, not what I had been looking for, but it appeased me. 虽然那些并没有我想象中的多,但我已经满足了。
Those, who harbour such thoughts, Their hatred is not appeased. 若人不怀是心,怨恨自然止息。
They are the more readily appeased. 他们比较容易和解。
The angry passenger was appeased by their apology. 他们道了歉,那位旅客的气也消了。
'He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me': the hatred of those who harbour such thoughts is not appeased. 有些人怀着这些念头:“他侮辱我、他殴打我、他打倒我、他抢劫我。”他们的仇恨很难平息。
And when he had said this, their spirit was appeased, with which they swelled against him. 为了他这番话,他们对他的怒气,就平息了。
Not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; grim determination. 不会因恳求而被安抚、满足和打动;“不屈的决心”。
By the authority of the court, and the exertions of its officers, the tumult among the spectators was at length appeased. 在法庭的威严和官吏们的努力下,观众之间的骚乱终于平息了。
That has not appeased nervous politicians who see tax relief as the quickest route to electoral relief. 这并没有让那些把减税视为减轻选举压力的捷径的紧张政客感到安心。
Liu poured his trouble out and the other side appeased him patiently and asked him not to be discouraged, for there was still chance. 刘冰将自己的苦恼一倾而出,对方就耐心地开导他,说别灰心,还有机会呢。
However, labour groups, notably steelworkers, were not appeased by the move, and fought each new trade deal with abandon. 但劳工团体尤其是钢铁行业的工人对此并不满足,他们狂热地反对每一项新的贸易协定。
The boy appeased his father and went back home. 男孩听了父亲的话回家去了。
After these things, when the wrath of king Ahasuerus was appeased, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her. 1这事以后,亚哈随鲁王的忿怒止息,就想念瓦实提和她所行的,并怎样降旨办她。
However, he would not calm down until they had appeased his hunger by giving him a bottle. 然而,直到他们给了他一瓶牛奶缓解了他的饥饿之后他才平静下来。