Thus, the authenticity of the artistry of language is the work of unique appreciation, which comes into existence from the unity of the creator and appreciator. 因此,艺术语言的真实是创造主体、鉴赏主体共同创造的特殊的审美化的真实。
I am a man, and I am an appreciator of women. 我是个男人,我会欣赏女人。
Philosophy: No matter who you are, our business partner or appreciator for our ranges, we have been always trying to bring you original designs and ideal wealth& life styles. 斯帝罗兰为您带来的不仅是出类拔萃的原创家具产品,同时为您创造理想的人生财富与生活方式!
Music itself is an art rich in imagination which is born with the appreciator. The combination of an appreciator's imaginative power and imaginary factors of the object brings forth the music appreciation imagination. 音乐本身就是富含着想象的艺术,而想象又是欣赏主体与生俱来的能力,正是主体的想象能力与客体的想象因素的结合,产生了音乐欣赏过程中的想象。
The appreciator as an aesthetic subject, expresses the meaning in the course of musical appreciation of beauty by way of the musical image he/ she creates after getting involved in the receptive process. 接受者作为审美对象的欣赏者,在音乐审美接受过程中通过参与并构建音乐形象来表达在音乐审美过程中接受的意义。
Taking the analysis of texture of tune as the clue, the article analyzes the masterly composing technique and rich performance methods in a deep degree, therefore, provides instrumentalists and appreciator for some reference. 以分析曲体结构为线索,对《蝴蝶》精湛的作曲技法和丰富的演奏技巧进行深入的解析,从而为演奏者和欣赏者提供一定的参考。
In appreciation, an appreciator can cultivate his imaginative power through understanding basic music knowledge and comprehensive knowledge. Aesthetic enjoyment of Big Buddhism in Leshan 在音乐欣赏中,作为欣赏主体,可以通过丰富音乐基本知识,扩充综合知识,提高情操和素养来培养想象力;如果合理运用想象,则可在欣赏中获得审美享受,得到美感的升华
In the "Artistic Universe" composed of objective reality, the artist, the art appreciator and art, art is not the reflection of objective reality, nor the expression of the artist, nor the projection of the art appreciator. 艺术在其同客观现实、艺术家、艺术欣赏者构成的艺术宇宙中,既不是客观现实的反映,亦非艺术家的表现,同样不为艺术欣赏者的对象化。
Lastly, the discussion, from the appreciative point of view, on the actualization of artistic conception, relies on the digestion and completion in the part of the appreciator to achieve the "transcend over reality" and the "regression to life proper". 最后从鉴赏论的角度谈意境的审美实现有赖于欣赏者对作品的填补、领悟,达到对现实的超越和生命本真的回归。
Not only should the teacher be a good cooperator, a patient listener, but also a sincere appreciator and a director and a promoter of the students in their study as well. 教师不仅仅应是平等的合作者和谦虚的倾听者,而且应是真诚的赏识者、帮助者和引导者,同时也应该成为学生学习的促进者。
In artistic activities, the reception of the appreciator is the subject of art events. The existence, continuation and development of art life can be accomplished only by the receptors. 在艺术活动中,欣赏者的接受才是艺术活动的主体,艺术生命的存在、延续和拓展都是靠接受者来完成和实现的。
In this process, an appreciator must use all psychological factors such as aesthetic sensation, perception, attention, association, imagination, emotion, understanding and judgment and this can form an integrated and changeable psychological mechanism. 在这一过程中,鉴赏者要调动审美感觉、知觉、注意、联想、想象、情感、理解、判断等心理因素,进而形成有机统一的、动态的审美心理机制。
To cultivate the creativeness and innovation of an appreciator, the appreciator needs not only to have doubts about the text, and to summarize, analyse, and understand the text with his doubts, but also to catch his own inspiration in literary works appreciation. 创新能力的培养需要鉴赏主体对文本设置疑窦,对文本综合、概括,对文本分析、理解,还要善于捕捉自身的灵感。
To some extent, the creation act ends only when the appreciator accepts the opus creatively. 第三部分:接受主体&欣赏者创造性地接受作品,从某种程度上说才意味着该作品创作行为的结束。
Because of the objective and subjective reasons, the development of the contemporary northwest landscape faces many problems, however, through the joint efforts of the creator, appreciator and the researcher, the contemporary northwest landscape will have a bright future. 由于主客观多方面的原因,当代西北山水画还面临着诸多问题。通过创作者、欣赏者和研究者的共同努力,西北山水画的前景必将是一片光明。
The first chapter, appreciator and aesthetic object, mainly describe the relationship between appreciator and his aesthetic object. 第一章欣赏者与审美对象主要研究了欣赏者与其所经验的审美对象的关系。
Vocal music is the second creation to give works vitality, it is bond to connect the heart of appreciator and the rhythm of life. 声乐演唱是赋予作品生命力的二度创作,是把作曲家,欣赏者的主体的心灵与生命的韵律连接起来的纽带。
As the consumer and appreciator of film art, the viewing mental, psychological structure, aesthetic accomplishment, humane quality, technology attitude of audience is undoubtedly an important factor to be considered in the production and distribution of films. 而观众作为电影艺术的消费者与欣赏者,其观影心理、心理结构、美学修养、人文素质、科技态度等,无疑是电影的生产与发行必须考虑的重要因素。
Each artist had designed their own artistic style, because each of them had their own experiences and psycho-characteristics. The same sense, every appreciator had different view about that emotion had delivered through painting pictures. 对于绘画艺术来说,每位画家都有专属于自己的艺术风貌,因为他们都有各自专属的人生经历和心理特质,同样的道理每位欣赏者对画面表达情感的理解也是不相同的。