A century ago the aristocracy were truly lords of the earth. 一个世纪之前,贵族阶层是绝对的统治者。
Since victorian times these and other rivers have hosted wealthy fishing parties on the estates of the aristocracy. 自维多利亚时期以来,这两条河与其它河流一起成为了贵族们举办钓鱼大会的好场所。
After the revolution the aristocracy was finished; the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically. 革命之后贵族统治灭亡了;竞选官员的不成功使得他在政治上和经济上都破产了。
I bragged of my connections with the aristocracy. 我就自己和贵族的关系吹嘘了一通。
Families from these upper classes became the nobility or aristocracy. 这些来自上流社会的家族后来就成了贵族阶级。
Have you followed the Prussian Junker and his doings? member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism. 你们有没有注意普鲁士容克(骄横军官,译注。)和他的作为?以军国主义著称的普鲁士贵族。
Trade links with China in the 17th century made ginseng the rage among the aristocracy of Europe. 十七世纪欧洲和中国通商,使人参在欧洲贵族中风行一时。
In some the old leaderly Aryan families have become a close aristocracy; 在某些城邦,古老的、地位显要的雅利安家族差不多成了贵族;
There was a story of a brilliant young widow of our aristocracy who had very nearly snared him. 有一种传说,说我们贵族中有一个年轻迷人的寡妇差不多已经把他勾引到手了。
Although born into aristocracy, he was critical of the Victorian class system. 他虽然生于贵族世家,但却对维多利亚时期的阶级体制表示不满。
Then you went for the aristocracy; 后来你就瞄上贵族了;
Rather as Romans aspired to Greek virtues, the new Barbarian aristocracy aspired to live like Romans. 正如罗马人为希腊美德而狂热,新到的蛮族贵族也迫切地希望能像罗马人一样生活。
Norman French was the language of the aristocracy, including the King and his court. 诺曼法语是包括国王以及其朝臣们都讲的贵族语。
Why should he object to marrying into our aristocracy? 为什么他要反对与我们的贵族联姻呢?
He is a teacher taught ancient Greek and Roma history in a private aristocracy school only for boys. 他是一个私立贵族男校的老师,教古希腊罗马文明史。
Once upon a time these equated to the old groupings of aristocracy, merchants and workers. 从前有个时期,这就是旧有的贵族、商人和工人3个阶级。
Many members of the aristocracy were guillotined in France during the revolution. 大革命时期法国许多贵族被送上断头台。
In time of aristocracy, people's fates are not in the hands of themselves. 贵族统治时代人们的命运并不掌握在自己手中。
He belonged to the landed aristocracy. 他属于拥有土地的贵族阶层。
A member of the Prussian landed aristocracy, a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism. 普鲁士贵族地主中的成员,先前与政治上的极端保守主义和军国主义联系在一起的阶级。
In the aristocracy in society are, the Rose and the Code is absolutely not be violated. 在贵族们的社交界中,蔷薇守则是绝对且不容侵犯。
He suddenly saw the aristocracy of the people who did not labor. 他突然明白了不劳动者的高贵身分。
The aristocracy of England were not like the noblesse of France, the mere minions of a court; 英国贵族和只是宫廷宠臣的法国贵族不同;
A Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracy. 日本武士是封建的、军事、贵族成员的。
She is popular with the aristocracy but she has not yet won the support of the masses. 她受到贵族阶层的欢迎,但尚未得到平民百姓的支持。
Edith Wharton continued writing her satires of the life and manners of the New York aristocracy. 伊迪丝·沃顿继续写讽刺纽约贵族生活和习俗的作品。
Feudal Japanese military aristocracy. 封建时代的日本军事贵族。
The accent emerged from the18th-and19th-Century aristocracy, and has remained the "gold standard" ever since. 这种口音源于18、19世纪的英国贵族,自此,就成了发音的“黄金标准”了。
Thanks to conquerors from the North, Romans also associated blondness with aristocracy. 由于后来的征服者来自北方,罗马人又将金发与贵族统治联系在了一起。