The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man. So, man is the artificer of his own happiness. 烈火验真金,艰难磨意志。所以,人是自己幸福的创造者。
Travel in China's tea country, and those same scenes will unfold before you, their pines seemingly placed at the summit of crags by some great artificer and their quiet valleys broken only by the soft race of falling water. 游历中国这个茶的国度,那些相同的风景将一一呈现在你的面前,在一些伟大画师的笔下,松树生长在峭壁顶峰,而静谧的山谷中淌过涓涓的流水。
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.& Henry D.Thoreau 人是自己幸福的设计者。&梭罗
Man is the artificer of his own happiness.& Henry David Thoreau, American writer 人是自己幸福的设计者。美国作家棱罗
He is an artificer of great cunning. 他是个很机巧的工匠。
He is an artificer of great cunning. The cunning workman does not quarrel with his tools. 他是个很机巧的工匠。(谚)巧匠不挑剔工具。
This, perhaps, is necessarily the case to a certain extent in a country, where every man is taught to rely upon his own exertions for a livelihood, and is the artificer of his own fortune and estate. 一个国家在一定的程度上这样做是可行的,因为每个人都是依靠自己奋斗的生活,创造自己的财富和房产。
"Technical man" tra ined by scientific theory and technique is called the social role of technological artificer; 经过一定科学理论和专门技能训练的“技术人”属于技术人工社会角色;
Misty rain in South of River and Poetic Campus: The Planning of Wuxi Artificer College 烟雨江南,诗意校园&无锡市技师学院规划设计
In the second chapter, I will analyze the growing path of advanced artificer and the related theory and concept. 在第二章中,理论分析,主要对概念加以界定、阐释相关理论以及对中国高级技能人才成长路径进行具体分析;
What is the aim of vocational education& Reflection on the phenomenon of artificer shortage 职业教育何为:由技工荒现象引发的思考
On Labor Market Structure and Selecting Artificer Cultivation Model 劳动力市场结构与技工培养模式选择
The phenomenon of artificer shortage has appeared in our country. It is related with the development of vocational education closely. 我国目前已经出现了技工荒现象,这一现象与职业教育的发展是息息相关的。
To improve the vocational diathesis of the students, the artificer culture was intercalated creatively in the supporting system. 在支撑体系中,创新性地设置了技师文化内容,提升学生的职业素质。
The result of the article provides foundation of control-simulation in computer for artificer. 本文的研究结果为暖通空调技术人员进行计算机控制仿真奠定了一定的基础。
In the condition of employment difficulty and artificer shortage, vocational and technical education faces many serious challenge. 就业难与技工荒并存的环境下,职业教育面临多重挑战。