(旧时的)满师学徒工,学徒期满的工匠 In former times, a journeyman was a worker who had finished learning a trade and who was employed by someone rather than working on his or her own.
N-COUNT (缺乏天分或原创性的)熟练工,熟手 If you refer to someone as a journeyman, you mean that they have the basic skill which their job requires, but are not very talented or original.
Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights. 道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛中发挥不太稳定。
Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights. 道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛中发挥不太稳定。
At length they lay down to sleep, and the young journeyman also went to bed, and set his magic table against the wall. 后来大家都去睡觉了,年轻人把小魔桌靠在墙上,也睡了。
The choice was to be a journeyman developer or become a manager, and I've never wanted to be a manager& at least not a manager who went for an MBA and had ambitions to be a captain of industry. 我的选择就是要做一个技术熟练的开发人员还是成为一名经理,而我从来没有想要成为一名经理&至少没想成为一名拥有MBA学位并立志成为业内领军人的经理。
The work of a journeyman. Abusive employers are complicit, and lax Taiwanese labor laws criminalize workers who flee. 雇佣性工作雇佣工的工作施虐的雇主是共犯,而松弛的台湾劳工法让逃跑的外劳成了罪犯。
A Mentor Developer, who is a seasoned "Journeyman" developer capable of helping the inductees understand the codebase and domain of the project. 开发导师,他应该是个工作经验丰富的“技师”,能够帮助新人掌握代码库和项目的业务领域。
Let's find out what's inside the Skills toolbox? To do so, we need to start not with the master's skill set, but with the journeyman's. 让我们找出在技能工具箱内有什么?为此,我们需要不从师傅的技能开始,而是从熟练工的修理包开始。
The quality of building was quite superior because every worker on the construction crew was an experienced journeyman. 这座大楼的质量非常高,因为每位建筑工人都是熟练工人。
They usually start out at half the pay of a journeyman, and the pay increases gradually as they move further along in the job and studies. 学徒常常开始时得到的是熟练工人的一半,随着他在工作和学习上的进步,工资慢慢的增长。
Journeyman status or equivalent experience is required. 有车间一线工作经验。
After years as a journeyman, a select few were invited to submit their "master-works" as proof of their accumulated skill. 在拥有几年的熟练帮工经历后,其中表现优异维修工人可被邀请提交他们的“绝活”以作为他们长年积累的技能的证明。
In the winter he made wooden shoes, and then he had an assistant, a journeyman, who understood how to make the wooden shoes strong, and light, and graceful. 在冬天他就做木鞋。他还有一个助手&一个短工,这人知道怎样把木鞋做得结实、轻巧和漂亮。
Now any journeyman computerista can do a reasonable job at designing a scalable system. 现在任何一个计算机业的熟练工人都能设计出一个过得去的可伸缩系统。
It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade. 把教区牧师助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。
Only one who had his journeyman's papers was eligible to hire himself out to a shop, under the same or another master. 只有取得熟练工的证书人员,才有资格应聘去另一家维修店,跟着相同或另一个师傅从事维修工作。
Crawford's metaphor is not the journey but the journeyman, the tradesman who makes his way using knowledge he has acquired from coping with physical materials. 克劳福德的喻体不是旅程,而是工匠,是那些利用他们与物质材料打交道所得到的知识来自食其力的手艺人。
Then I proceeded to tell how the journeyman treated me. 然后我继续说到那个伙计怎样对待我。
The mercer's journeyman came rushing upon me with such fury as very much frighted me. 那个绸缎商的伙计气势汹汹地向我冲来,把我吓了一大跳。