What you do know is the follow-up question is of particular interest to the asker. 不过你确实知道的是提问者对这个问题是感兴趣的。
Obviously, if a sketchy dude in a bar asks for your phone number, you say no. But when the asker is a uniform-wearing employee at Best Buy, many a consumer hands over their digits when asked. 很明显,如果酒吧里一个轻浮的家伙管你要电话号码,你要说不。但如果对方是百思买的一位身着制服的员工,很多消费者会在被问到时提供号码。
But in fact, when the person watching this has to assess their intelligence they give the quiz asker a higher intelligence rating than the other person. 但事实上,看这个问答的人,要评估他们的智力,他们认为,提问者的智力比被问者的要高。
A question I have been asker innumerable times, especially when traveling abroad, is, america's system of higher education so good? 我在国外旅行时,人们会无数次问我一个问题:美国的高等教育何以优越?
Her mother asker her, Did you know you dropped your hair clip? 她的妈妈告诉她,你知道你掉了你的发夹吗?
At last, I could give better advice to the asker, and I could learn a lot from assisting my counterpart. 最后,我就可以向对我提出帮助的人提供更好的解决问题的建议。