And if there are auks in the Arctic, Are they auctioning arks? 如果北极有海雀,它们在拍卖方舟吗?
Huang is auctioning a five-year patent to his life's work-the capsule apartmentsthat have been capturing international media attention since last April. 黄(日新)正在拍卖其胶囊公寓的五年专利使用权。这种公寓是他毕生的一个成就,自去年四月以来就得到了国际媒体的关注。
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd is creating a new financial business on its online platforms-auctioning off non-performing loans for asset management companies. 阿里巴巴控股集团在其在线平台上开创了一项新的金融业务&为资产管理公司拍卖不良贷款。
Auctioning work permits would be a good step. 拍卖工作许可将是一个好办法。
Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred. 参与恶意串通的竞买人应当承担拍卖船舶费用并赔偿有关损失。
So she's auctioning off a chance to go to an awards dinner? 那么她在拍卖与她共赴晚宴的机会了?
This is a similar method which directs the unsuspecting user to a FAKE version of the auctioning site, and captures the user's log-in credentials to then send them to the hacker. 这是一个类似的方法,指示不知情的用户的拍卖网站的假版本,并捕获用户的登录凭据,然后将它们发送给黑客。
We're auctioning the artwork this afternoon. 我们打算今天下午拍卖这件艺术品。
Is spectrum truly scarce and does auctioning it benefit consumers? 频谱真的缺乏吗?拍卖真的有利于消费者吗?
Baidu derives its revenues from auctioning search keywords and includes search results generated through this practice in the overall result list rather than separating them clearly. 拍卖搜索关键词,并在用户搜索结果中混合显示买下这些关键词的公司链接(而非单独列出),是百度获得收入的方式。
Sir James Crosby suggested the most effective form of intervention would involve the government auctioning its own guarantees in a form that could be attached by lenders to AAA tranches of mortgage-backed securities, issued to fund their new lending. 詹姆斯克罗斯比爵士提出,最有效的干预形式是由政府以某种方式拍卖政府担保,使得放贷机构能够为给新贷款融资而发行的aaa级批次抵押担保证券附上这些担保。
Trading it, introducing a purchase or sale of it, impawning it, auctioning it, or paying a debt with it; 买卖、介绍买卖、典当、拍卖、抵押或者用其抵债的;
If the maritime court orders to stop the auction of the ship, expenses incurred for auctioning the ship shall be paid by the maritime claimant. 海事法院裁定终止拍卖船舶的,为准备拍卖船舶所发生的费用由海事请求人承担。
Auctioning a predominantly print business exposed to financial advertisers during a media recession will be challenging. 在媒体业陷入衰退之际,拍卖这项依赖金融广告商、以纸媒为主的业务,将颇具挑战性。
In such circumstances, some kind of charge or auctioning for carbon permits may suddenly take on new attractiveness, not just for combating climate change but as a revenue-raising measure for a federal government that certainly needs the money. 在这样的环境下,对碳排放许可收取某种形式的费用或进行拍卖可能突然有了新的吸引力,不仅仅是为了对抗气候变化,同时也可以作为肯定需要资金的联邦政府增加收入的手段。
There'sa large auctioning system I've been working with to tell me. 有大型拍卖系统我一直在同告诉我。
Ebay is barring them from most searches to give priority to people auctioning goods. eBay在多数搜索结果中排除它们,为拍卖物品者提供优先权。
Countries are creating adaptation funds by auctioning rights to pollute under cap-and-trade arrangements. 世界各国正通过拍卖限额交易制度下的污染权建立适应性活动基金会。
EBay will not be auctioning Skype, though; rather an initial public offering is planned for the communications business in 2010. 不过,ebay不会拍卖skype;而是计划将这家通信公司在2010年上市。
Examples range from the auctioning of planning permits to anti-cartel legislation. 比如从拍卖规划许可到反垄断法律的各种措施。
The family is auctioning its art collection. 这户人家正在把他们收藏的艺术品拍卖掉。
These include the timely use of repurchase agreements ( repos) by the central bank and the auctioning of foreign exchange deposits by the treasury. 这些工具包括央行适时使用回购协议(repo),以及由财政部拍卖外汇存款。
Enforcing auctioning as an Enforcing power shall be executed by courts. 强制拍卖作为法院的一种强制执行措施,应当由法院行使。
However, enforcing auctioning on mining rights is in dispute that the entity of enforcing auctioning is court or land and resources administration. 但是,对于采矿权的强制拍卖,存在诸多争议,其中最重要的一个争议就是强制拍卖的主体是法院还是国土资源主管部门。
In addition to the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, the principles of entrusting auction to auctioneer, auctioning timely and priority should also be adhered to. 除了一般拍卖应当坚持的公正、公平、公开原则外,强制拍卖还应当坚持拍卖优先、及时拍卖和委托拍卖原则。
As a newcomer you can earn money auctioning yourself off and laboring as a slave; 作为一个新手,你可以把自己卖给别人做奴隶干活来赚钱;
The army is auctioning off a lot of old equipments. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉。
Complying with the State Council provisions regarding the development of the auctioning industry; 符合国务院有关拍卖业发展的规定;
Leading officials are strictly forbidden to interfere in economic activities such as government procurement, project tendering and the auctioning of land-use and mining rights. 严禁领导干部插手政府采购、工程招标、土地矿业权拍卖等经济活动。