Many poor countries are abandoning autocracy. 很多贫穷国家都在放弃独裁统治。
She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy. 她把权力全部交给自己的女婿,他现在对国家实行独裁统治。
Civil wars in Africa and years of clumsy autocracy in Central Asia have rarely stopped oil and gas flowing. 非洲的内战以及中亚笨拙的专制统治几乎不曾中断石油天然气的流动。
Crankishness aside, technocracy and autocracy have long been natural bedfellows. 除了古怪之外,技术官僚和专制早就已经同床异梦。
It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people, the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy. 到西周,神本主义思想发生动摇,一切以“人事”为重,主要表现在奉行敬德保民思想,实行分封制、宗法制、开明专制。
Utopian realistic strategy of getting rid of the risky society is to eliminate poverty, restore the environment, oppose autocracy and reduce armed force and violence of the social life. 现代性扩张的后果是把人类带入了一个风险社会,而走出风险社会的乌托邦现实主义导向性策略是消除贫困、恢复环境、反对专权以及减少社会生活中的武力与暴力。
An autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority. 由通常是世袭的君主统治的专制政体。
In addition to being an autocracy, China is not built on immigration and has never sought to project universal values. 除了威权政体以外,中国不是一个建立在移民基础上的国家,而且从未寻求倡导普世价值观。
Then the crown colonies, in which the rule of the British home government verged on autocracy, as in ceylon, Trinidad and fiji, and Gibraltar and St helena. 再后面是英国政府直辖殖民地,在这些殖民地,英国本国政府的统治简直是专制,譬如锡兰、特立尼达,斐济、直布罗陀和圣赫勒拿。
But we can't undervalue the role of speaking: it's the cure for a psychological wound, curing the wound inflicted on China by a thousand years of autocracy. 但不要小看说话的作用:它是心理疗伤,疗中国千年专制之伤。
Republic and Autocracy, A Genetic Differentiating of the Cultural Crypto-genes between the Ancient Rome and China. 共和制与专制,罗马与中国古代社会遗传基因考异。
Their history and their culture are not propitious: Russia has indeed for most of its history been a closed and imperial autocracy. 他们没有历史和文化方面的优势:在历史上大多数时间,俄罗斯都是一个封闭的封建专制国家。
It is not just that western support for autocracy and indulgence of the corruption of Arab rulers is morally indefensible. 西方对威权政府的支持、对阿拉伯统治者腐败的纵容,在道义上是站不住脚的。
The Tax System of China's Feudal Imperial Autocracy: A Study of its Basis, Characteristics and Harms ( 2) 中国皇权专制赋税制基础特征与危害研究(2)
As a particular phenomena in backward agricultural country, populism was the result of lessdeveloped capitalism and the crisis of autocracy and serf system in russia. 民粹主义作为落后农民国度的特有现象,是俄国沙皇专制农奴制度走向危机和资本主义薄弱发展的产物。
Her autocracy had become so absolute that none of her colleagues dared question her policies. 她一味的独断专行使得没有一个同事敢于对她的方针提出质疑。
Guided by Emperor taizong's thought, the law of the Tang was made to secure the peace and rosperity of Zhenguan and established the standard for the penal laws of feudal autocracy which was followed by all the other feudal Dynastes afterwars. 在唐太宗礼法结合的思想指导下制定的《唐律》保障了“贞观之治”的实现,奠定了我国封建专制主义刑法的规范,为以后历代封建王朝所沿袭。
The1911 Revolution overthrew the feudal autocracy which had ruled China for several thousand years. 1911年辛亥革命推翻统治中国几千年的君主专制制度以来,中国的发展历程大致可以分为3个阶段。
The literary inquisition was a cultural phenomenon peculiar to the period of feudal autocracy in China. 清初的文字狱,在顺(治)康(熙)、雍正、乾隆三个历史时期表现出不同的特点。
It is an American belief that an independent judicial system can protect people from the autocracy of regime and is the heart of rule of law. 一个独立的司法制度能够保护其子民免于政权的专制,独立的司法制度乃是法治的核心。
By blocking foreign aid, Burma's paranoid military junta demonstrated just how impotent and callous to the suffering of its citizens a repressive autocracy can be. 缅甸偏执的军政府阻挠外国援助,表明一个压制政权对自己民众的痛苦可以多么无情,多么无能。
Born of the belief that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be an improvement on today, optimism is a powerful antidote to the resentment of autocracy that many westerners too readily assume to be the norm. 今天好过昨天,明天会更好的信念与生俱来,这样的乐观情绪成了一剂强烈的解药,化解了许多西方人眼中理所当然的对威权统治的不满。
Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality 正教、专制和民族性
It was mainly against feudal autocracy, against the feudal structure. 它主要地反对封建独载统治,反对封建制度。
In contrast, the fact that China remains an autocracy was politely downplayed by Mr Obama on his visit to Shanghai and Beijing last week. 相比之下,奥巴马上周访问上海和北京时,对中国仍是专制国家这一事实却礼貌地加以淡化。
Lenin wrote that the overthrow of the autocracy is only the first stage of the revolution. 列宁写道,推翻专制制度,只是革命的第一阶段。
Ancestral home; ancestral lore; hereditary monarchy; patrimonial estate; transmissible tradition. an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority. 祖屋;家学;世袭君主政体;祖产;继承的传统。由通常是世袭的君主统治的专制政体。
The political system of Qin imperialist autocracy and its high pressure policy was the inevitable cause of the Shaqiu coup which seemed occasional. 秦帝国专制主义的政治体制和秦始皇专横暴虐的高压政策,是沙丘政变这一偶然事件的必然因素。
Imperialism and autocracy go together. 帝国主义与专制统治相辅相成。
Afterwards, the feudal autocracy tradition of Confucianism broke off. 二战后,儒学传统也中断了,但这种中断只是中断了它与带有封建专制特色的天皇制绝对主义政策的联系。