ADJ 赤裸的;不穿衣服的 If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothing.
She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare... 她只在薄如蝉翼的睡衣外套了一件薄睡袍,而且光着脚。
She had bare arms and a bare neck. 她的胳臂和脖子都露在外面。
ADJ-GRADED 无遮盖的;未加装饰的 A bare surface is not covered or decorated with anything.
They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house. 他们本想在整个房间的木地板上都不铺地毯的。
ADJ-GRADED 没有叶子的;光秃秃的 If a tree or a branch is bare, it has no leaves on it. old, twisted tree, its bark shaggy, many of its limbs brittle and bare. 一棵虬枝盘绕的古树,树皮粗糙,很多枝杈光秃秃的,一折就断
ADJ-GRADED 空的 If a room, cupboard, or shelf is bare, it is empty.
His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes... 除了三个蔫巴巴的西红柿,他的冰箱里什么也没有。
He led me through to a bare, draughty interviewing room. 他把我带到了一间空荡荡的、有过堂风的会见室。
ADJ-GRADED 光秃秃的;寸草不生的 An area of ground that is bare has no plants growing on it.
That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen. 那可能是我见过的最荒凉的岛屿,荒无人烟,寸草不生。
ADJ-GRADED (事实、细节等)最基本的,最重要的 If someone gives you the bare facts or the barest details of something, they tell you only the most basic and important things.
Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the Superintendent in charge of the investigation. 报社的记者们从负责这起调查的督察那里得到的只是一些最基本的情况。
ADJ-GRADED 最少的;最低限度的;勉强的 If you talk about the bare minimum or the bare essentials, you mean the very least that is necessary.
The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces... 军队会用尽可能少的兵力扼守西部的沙漠。
These are the bare essentials you'll need to dress your baby during the first few months. 这些是你的宝宝在头几个月里要穿的基本衣物。
ADJ 仅有的(强调数量少) Bare is used in front of an amount to emphasize how small it is.
Sales are growing for premium wines, but at a bare 2 percent a year. 高档酒的销量正在增长,但年增长率只有2%。
VERB 使暴露;露出 If you bare something, you uncover it and show it.
Walsh bared his teeth in a grin... 沃尔什露齿一笑。
He bared his muscular, hairy chest for a women's magazine. 他为一本女性杂志秀出了他那肌肉发达、毛发浓密的性感胸部。
Those who say is a bit barer, it is Tecent present achievement, it is to build in thief small those who feel, the qualitative element of this enterprise should get originally social doubt. 说的更赤裸一点,就是腾讯现在的成就,都是建立在小偷小摸上的,这个企业的质素本就应该受到社会的质疑。
And who gave you the right to scare my barer? 你有什么权利来骚扰我的吧民?