He stepped in front of her, barring her way. 他走到她前面,挡住了她的去路。
Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed. 不出意外的话,我相信他们会成功的。
Thus the current Congressional crackdown on teen credit-card use may amount to barring the wrong door. 因此,目前国会对于青少年使用信用卡采取的严厉措施可能是朝着错误的方向发展。
Barring unforeseen errors, you should expect lxc-wait to return only when the container has entered the given state. 如果没有遇到意外错误,您应该期望只有当容器进入给定的状态时lxc-wait才返回。
Oing had previously issued a preliminary injunction barring Penney from building the stores and selling most of the products. 他曾发布初步禁令,禁止J.C.Penney公司建造玛莎o斯图沃特店面以及销售这个品牌的大部分产品。
Spain had protected Mexico's borders with laws barring trade with the United States. 西班牙制定禁止与美国通商的法律,以保护墨西哥(殖民地)的边境。
Moscow responded by barring nine US officials from entering Russia, including senators and administration officials. 莫斯科方面对此的回应是,禁止九名美国官员入境俄罗斯,其中包括美国国会参议员以及政府官员。
A restraining order was issued, barring the diplomat from having any contact with his wife in the meantime. 此前已发布了限制令,禁止这名外交官在此期间同妻子有任何联系。
Barring unforeseen circumstances, Logan and earnest will not compete in the London Olympics. 除非出现不可预知的情况,洛根和厄尼斯特将不会参加伦敦奥运会。
Barring a devastating shock from the eurozone, however, the economic recovery may gradually start to feel normal. 然而,除非欧元区危机造成毁灭性冲击,美国经济复苏或许会逐渐走上正轨。
Nobody else knows, barring you and me. 除了你和我,没有其他人知道。
Mounted troops barring access to the presidential palace; 骑兵封锁了通往总统府的道路;
But by sunday, the police were once again barring access to the street where she lives. 但是周日,警察再次封锁了通往她所居住的街道。
Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls. 对不起,您拨打的用户已设置呼入限制。
Still, barring last-minute upheavals the legislation will pass through the house of Lords in a few weeks. 但除非在最后时刻发生剧变,这项立法还是会在几周后在上院通过。
All the projects, barring one, are now complete. 所有的工程,除了一项之外都已完工了。
There were three vicious-looking dogs barring our way. 有3只样子很凶的狗拦住了我们的去路。
Barring special circumstances, the plane will arrive on schedule. 如无特殊情况,飞机将准时到达。
It changed the investment vetting process to allow Chinese companies to recommend barring acquisitions by foreign rivals. 中国改动了投资审核程序,允许中国企业对他们的国外竞争者提出限制条件。
We shall arrive at noon barring accidents. 若无意外事件发生,我们将于中午到达。
Barring accidents, I'll be there. 若无意外我一定去。
PetroChina boasts a couple of potentially exciting exploration sites, but barring big discoveries its outlook is dull. 中石油拥有两个储量可能极丰富的勘探点,但除非有重大勘探发现,其前景颇为黯淡。
Barring further complications, we start tomorrow. 如果没有别的问题的话,我们明天就开始。
Guards were everywhere, barring all exits. 警卫到处都是,把住了所有的出门。
But barring that, don't expect him to be used. 但除此之外,别指望他的合同还有什么利用价值了。
Barring a deep global recession, this trend is certain to continue. 除非出现深层次的全球衰退,否则这个趋势肯定会持续下去。
Barring any further delays, we should be able to start tomorrow. 除非再出现延误,我们应该明天就能开始。
Barring something unexpected, the clock will start this week. 除非有意外情况出现,否则起步工作将于本周开始。
Barring any last-minute hitches, a merger could be announced this week. 除非在最后一刻出现意外,否则,双方可能于本周宣布合并。