A cool breeze made the heat pleasantly bearable. 一阵凉风吹来,让炎热的天气变得稍微舒适了一些。
When life has meaning, you can bear almost anything; without it, nothing is bearable. 人生有了意义,就可以忍受任何事。人生若无意义,任何事都会叫人难以忍受。
But a better understanding of the psychology of waiting can help make it a bit more bearable. 但是更好地了解等待心理可以让我们更有耐心。
we basically just exist and the internet makes it bearable. 我们基本上只是存在着,而互联网让这种存在变得可以忍受。
And they are going to make this living arrangement bearable. 这些有益于提高我们的居住环境。
You could say that the internet makes the recession more bearable as there are all those networks to help people get jobs and there is Ebay for buying things second-hand. 到目前为止,我一点也不喜欢这种经历。你可能会说,互联网让衰退更容易忍受,因为所有网络都在帮人们找工作,而且还有可以买到二手货的Ebay。
So let's focus on making the job itself a bit more bearable. 所以,还是让我们来看看怎样让你能够更好的忍受这份工作吧。
Only with the hope of love, loneliness can be bearable, even sweet. 由于怀着爱的希望,孤独才是可以忍受的,甚至是甜蜜的。
A one-off windfall tax on bonuses would make the pain ahead for society so very much more bearable. 对奖金徵收一次性的意外收入税,会让社会未来面临的痛苦变得容易忍受得多。
Still, the game itself is bearable. 不过,足球比赛本身还是可以让人忍受的。
He found the dullness of his work scarcely bearable. 他觉得他的工作枯燥乏味,简直无法忍受。
Not at all, unbearable would have been bearable. 没关系,我已经见怪不怪了。
Not to mention making television much more bearable to watch. 更不用说让电视能更耐看。
Sometimes it is very hot, but it is bearable. 有时是非常炎热,但它是可承受的。
The New York-Presbyterian Hospital offers some tips on how to make these seasons more bearable for children with allergies. 日前,美国纽约长老会医院针对此问题给出了几点建议,告诉家长应该如何有效地预防儿童过敏症的发生。
They judge value and adjust pricing so as to offer attractive goods at a bearable margin. 他们判断价值并调整价格,以便在可承受的利润水平上提供有吸引力的商品。
She says to the doctor that her pain will be just bearable. 她告诉医生说她的疼痛勉强可忍受。
As far as she was concerned, only the weekends made life bearable. 对她来说只有周末的生活可以忍受。
Cultivating humor not only makes life more bearable, it makes you more attractive to others. 培养幽默感不但能让生活更加可承受,而且让你在别人看来更有美丽。
Prisoners imagine that solitary confinement will be worse than it really is; mothers-to-be think the pain of childbirth will be more bearable than it typically proves to be. 囚犯们想象单独监禁的感觉会比实际情况更糟;准妈妈们会认为生孩子的痛苦比通常实际证明的情况更可忍受。
He hoped for some news that would make life more bearable. 他希望能得到一些使生活好过些的消息。
In fact, I'm penning this column from the tropical heat of Tokyo and, while it can be uncomfortable, it is also bearable if you have the right tools. 事实上,我正在东京的酷热中写这篇专栏。虽然可能不舒服,但如果你有合适的工具,它也是可以忍受的。
Under such a dire threat, no sane lender would consider offering money on bearable terms. 在如此可怕的威胁下,任何一个理性的银行都不会考虑以可负担条款提供资金。
Even the rigours of kurt's company seemed bearable. 连库尔特公司的艰苦条件看来也可以忍受。
I can make your life underground much more bearable. 我可以帮你们打法无聊的地下生活。
For the struggling economy, it would be painful but bearable. 对于正苦苦挣扎的经济来说,这是痛苦的,但尚可承受。
What might be bearable to someone else, may not be bearable to you. 别人能够忍受的事情,你不一定能够忍受得了。
But you can still help make life bearable there. 但你明明有这个能力,去改善那里人民的生活。
She was the only thing that made life bearable. 只因有了她生活才可以过得下去。