According to Apple lore he drove around in a beat-up Toyota with a broken passenger-side door even after he was appointed to management. 据苹果公司内部传言,即使进入了公司管理层,他代步的座驾依然是一辆右后车门坏掉的破旧丰田汽车(Toyota)。
Late in the afternoon, thunder growling, that same old green pickup rolled in and he saw Jack get out of the truck, beat-up Resistol tilted back. 下午晚些时候,雷声开始隆隆轰鸣。那辆熟悉的绿色旧卡车驶入了埃尼斯的眼帘,杰克从车上跳出来,一巴掌把翘起来的车尾拍下去。
My first car, a beat-up old Mustang, was a lemon& sometimes it felt like I spent more time awaiting roadside assistance than I spent driving it. 我的第一部车是一辆破旧的Mustang,真是够破的,有时候我觉得我花在路边等待援助的时间比我开车的时间还要长。
I've been through a lot in the last few years. I must look so beat-up and old after this divorce. 过去几年来我历经坎坷,一场离婚过后肯定看起来又老又丑。
Beat-up Mechanism of the Sulzer Projectile Loom 可以在织机的单侧或两侧投梭。苏尔寿片梭织机的打纬机构
They are subjected to tension both constant, by the let off and take-up, and intermittent, by the shedding and beat-up. 经纱受到送经和卷取引起的两个持续的张力,以及开口和打纬引起的瞬时张力。
When we were seated, one of the guests noticed the beat-up gravy boat I'd placed among the newer, better dinnerware. 年夜伙儿就座后,其中一位客人仔细到了这只残破的船形肉卤盘&我已把它放在了满桌新鲜而新颖的餐具傍边。
I don't want to ride in an old beat-up clunker! 我不想坐又旧又烂的「铜罐仔」车!
You left your luggage, your fur robe and your beat-up old felt boots lying in a mass in the mud dwelling; you didn't even take our group photo with you. 你把行李、皮袍子和破烂的毡靴乱七八糟地扔在地窝子里,甚至连我们一块照的那张合影也没有带上。
He's got loads of money but he's still driving around in that beat-up old car. 虽然他有很多钱,他却依旧歼着老爷车到处转悠。
There were a lot of beat-up VW vans around. 周围有很多破旧的大众牌汽车。
Cinderella will return the dirty appearance formerly, wearing beat-up clothes. Oh, it is too bad. 辛黛瑞拉会变成原来脏脏的样子,穿着破旧的衣服。哎呀,那就惨啦。
They have heat and insulated barns for the animals but the workers live in beat-up shacks with no heat at all. 家畜有暖和隔热的棚子住,而工人们却住在破烂不堪根本不保暖的小屋里。
Work, in this small mid western community, was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac, but he never quit looking. 在中西部这个小社区,工作清淡的几乎就像他那辆破旧的庞蒂亚克车慢悠悠的,可是他从没放弃过寻找。
A series of orifices, with slots to permit the removal of the filling at beat-up, can be placed along the filling axis. 在沿纬纱的飞行方向上,布置一系列的孔道,孔道上开有打纬时的脱纬槽。
Later, I saw Stephen with the two new ones while his brother was using the beat-up ones. 后来,我看到斯蒂芬与两个新的,而他的弟弟是利用击败行动的。
A beat-up Chevrolet drove through the city's center. 一辆破烂的雪弗来,驶过了市中心。
Kaihara-san had changed out of his tuxedo and into a cardigan and an old beat-up pair of jeans. 海原山改变了他的礼服,成为羊毛衫和老破旧的牛仔裤。
I can't work with this beat-up machine. 我没办法用这部烂机器工作。
The beat-up mechanism is a key component of the loom. 探讨一种喷气织机四连杆打纬机构的动平衡方法。
Often, beginners use boards that are either so short or so beat-up that it is unlikely that they will ever catch a wave. 通常,初学者使用的冲浪板不是很短就是很老旧,以致于他们不太可能顺利冲浪。
Did you read the beat-up about the movie star's arrest for drunk driving? 你读过那篇描写这位影星因酒后开车而被捕的报道吗?
In this paper, the principle of a new style rapier loom's beat-up motion is researched; 本文对一种新型剑杆织机凸轮打纬运动规律进行了分析研究;
The Fuzzy Optimization Design of the Four-link Weft Beat-up Mechanism 四连杆打纬机构的Fuzzy优化设计
Finally, an example is given to illustrate pick movement at cloth-fell during multiple beat-up operations. 最后,举例阐述了纬纱在打纬过程中,在织口处往复运动的经过。
Two commonly used curve combination methods in beat-up conjugate cam design are thoroughly analysed. 本文详细分析了打纬共轭凸轮设计中曲线的两种组合方法,并就筘座摆动的速度、加速度、跃动及凸轮压力角值进行了比较。
In this paper, a planar six-bar mechanism ( IV grade) with two fulcrums is used for the beat-up mechanism of a weaving machine, and its dimensions are synthesized. 本文首次提出了将含Ⅲ级杆组的二支点平面六连杆机构应用于织机打纬机构,并介绍了该机构尺寸综合原理。
A study on the dynamic response of cam beat-up mechanism of looms 织机凸轮式打纬机构动态响应研究
The kinematic influence of structural DIMENSION-ERRORS on the motion of the beat-up and weft insertion system of a rapier loom 剑杆织机打纬引纬系统结构尺寸误差对打纬和引纬运动的影响
Technical reformation actuality of home-made shuttle loom is analysed in this paper with their application study result of shedding, weft inserting, beat-up, let-off and, warp stop motion as well as electronic driving unit and developing trend introduced. 分析了有梭织机技术改造的现状,列出了开口、引纬、打纬、送经、停经、电气驱动装置的应用研究及应用成果,阐述了有梭织机技术改造的发展方向。