Throngs of people jammed Saint Peter's Square, the boulevard leading up to it and nearby piazzas for the special beatification mass at the Vatican. 熙熙攘攘的人群为参加梵蒂冈的特别宣福礼弥撒而挤满了圣彼得广场,以及通向这个广场的大道及邻近的广场。
Tens of thousands of pilgrims have joined a vigil in central Rome on the eve of a ceremony to mark the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II. 为已故教皇约翰保罗举行宣福礼的前夜,数万名清教徒在罗马市中心参加了守夜活动。
Now, the official who promotes a candidate in the first place also has the power to recommend him or her to the Pope for beatification. 如今,候选人最初的提名官员也有权建议教皇给其候选人施行宣福礼。
Beatification, which is bestowed only on the dead, is the penultimate step before sainthood. 受宣福,只能适用于死了的人,是封圣前的步骤。
The Effective Research of Wild Purslane Herbs on Anti-oxidation, Beatification and Health-Protection 野菜马齿苋抗氧化美容等保健功效研究
. Finally, based on modern housing environmental space, with the goal of decoration and beatification to be in harmony with modern environment. 最后,以现代人居环境空间为载体,以装饰和美化的功能展示形态融入现代环境中。
There are so many applications of the face beatification system. 人脸美化系统在现实生活中有很广阔的应用前景。