The Bible gives us two applications to this fourth beatitude. 对这第四个福气的宣告,圣经给了我们两个应用的途径。
Her favorite Beatitude is` Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth '. 她最喜欢的至福是保佑温顺的人,他们将继承土地。
In the first beatitude, Jesus said that the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven begins with being poor in spirit. 谈到第一个福气时,耶稣说,进天国的入口,就是要虚心。
Mencius verified destiny's value reason and the new interpretation of 'morality and beatitude two in one' through the value rationality of mentality, and thus rebuilt the moral belief of human being to complete the brand-new conception of the theory of destiny retribution. 通过以性善言天善、以心性的价值合理性印证天命的价值理性和德福合一的新解释,孟子重建了人的道德信仰,完成了对天命报应论的全新构想。