It's possible to be bedfellows with someone on one issue, and at odds with them on another 可能在一个问题上与某人情投意合,在另一个问题上又意见相左。
Sex and death are strange bedfellows. 性爱和死亡奇怪地纠结在一起。
Revenues for casino operators in the former Portuguese colony have been weighed down over the past year amid an official Chinese push to reduce corruption and its bedfellow, ostentatious spending. 在过去一年里,由于中国官方采取措施大力打击腐败及与之伴随的奢侈性消费,澳门赌场运营商的营收已大大降低。
Chinese attempts at indigenous SAMs were somewhat poor even after an injection of Western technologies during the1970s and80s when China was an awkward bedfellow of the West against the USSR. 中国在本土地对空导弹方面的努力成果非常有限,甚于在上世纪70年代至80年代,中国与西方国家同床异梦联手对付前苏联的期间引入西方技术之后也是这样。
Yuncai But is not like it or even if she was with Strange Bedfellow Gongchen, think the depressed. 不过晕菜的是就算不喜欢还是得与她同床共枕,想想就郁闷。