Charles I was beheaded by the Cromwellians. 查理一世被克伦威尔派斩首。
Lean on day sword it may not be a bad idea, massacre dragon knife, it is enginery only, of justice person come with it behead bewitching falls demon, evil will reduce "lethal weapon". 倚天剑也好,屠龙刀也罢,都只是兵器,正义之士用它来斩妖降魔,邪恶的将之沦为“凶器”。
The way was: catch a small dragonfly, behead it and stick its body on one end of a grass; we hold the other end of the grass and whirl. 方法是:先捉一只小蜻蜓,将其头拿掉后再将它串在一根草的顶端,然后持着该草的另一端轻轻的打着圈子。
They hang, behead, and impale their criminals in the most agreeable possible manner; 他们尽可能地以最适当的方式处置他们的犯人,有绞刑,杀头和刺刑。
She has deposed and beheaded her, ultimately, in just the way that she fears the Earl of Essex will depose and behead her. 她先是罢黜她然后又将其斩首,就像她害怕埃塞克斯伯爵,会以同样的方式罢免,她自己女王的封号并将自己斩首一样。
Behead Algorithm of Pattern Unification and Its Application 模式合一的斩首算法及其应用
"Once you behead someone," he says," you give a good example [ to Russia's other tycoons] of how to behave." “一旦你对某人‘实施斩首’”他说,“通过杀鸡儆猴(警告俄罗斯其他大亨),你可以告知对方要规规矩矩。”
Henry VIII gave the order to behead Anne boleyn. 亨利八世下令将安波林斩首。
If one man wants to be an ox-slaughterer, he must come to an enemy village to ambush and set traps, and then behead a man there to sacrifice to the gods; 如要成为剽牛手,就要到仇家山寨设伏、挖陷阱偷猎对方的男人头颅敬献神灵;
Antiochus also sent Apollonius with an army of twenty-two thousand soldiers with orders to behead all the grown men and sell the women and children. 就派米息雅的军长阿颇罗尼率领二万二千人,命他杀尽了年富力强的壮丁,把妇女与幼童出卖。
The Behead algorithm for pattern unification is proposed. 提出模式合一的斩首算法;
Through a comprehensive analysis of the nature, social and economic conditions in the research area, we simply introduced the present situation of land-using and land consolidation. On the basic of these, the methods which we said behead were used to do research on Lucheng city. 在综合分析研究区自然经济社会等条件后,概述该地区土地利用现状和土地整理状况;根据当地实际情况,运用前文研究方法,对研究区进行土地整理时空配置。