In those days, the punishment was beheading& the convict was dragged out to a public place where everybody could watch and his head was chopped off with a big sword. 当时此罪是重罪,会被砍头&犯人被带到一个公众场所,在那里所有人都可看到他的头被一柄大刀砍落。
Although US public opinion appears to be behind air strikes against Isis, especially after the release of gruesome videos of the beheading of two journalists, the White House is worried about a backlash against any open-ended commitment that involves a return to Iraq for US troops. 虽然美国舆论似乎支持空袭ISIS,尤其在两名记者被斩首的可怕视频发布后,但白宫担心任何涉及美军重返伊拉克的无止境承诺都会招致反弹。
The video shows the aftermath of a beheading, in which the victim is not clearly recognizable. 这段视频记录了斩首之后的现场,但无法清晰辨认出受害人。
This time the production values were high and the videos stopped short of showing the actual beheading. 这一次,视频的生产价值很高,在展现真正的斩首画面前就停止了。
The beheading came days after ISIS demanded Japan pay a$ 200million ransom to free Yukawa and Kenji Goto, a 47-year-old journalist and fellow captive. 而在几天前,ISIS要求日本政府支付2亿美元的赎金来释放这两名人质(另外一名人质是47岁的记者)。
His captors were demanding the release of60 Taliban prisoners, but a videotape released to local media on Sunday showed graphic details of the Polish man's beheading by masked men. 绑架者要求释放60名塔利班囚犯。但是周日被当地媒体所发布的录像带中可以清楚看到波兰工程师被面具武装人员斩首的形象的过程。
This idiom comes from the merry old days of the public beheading. 这个习语来自于过去那个当众砍头的美好年代。
After left the market, beheading in front of the mass still lingered on Laotse's mind. 离开市集后,斩首示众这一幕仍然停留在老子的心中。
I think that beheading in the market is not a proper policy. 斩首示众这件事,我认为是很有问题的。
They're dreadfully fond of beheading people here; 这儿的人太喜欢砍头了!
Therefore, instead of mere beheading William Wallace is subject to being Hung, hung within an inch of death. 罗伯对父亲的诡计感到怒不可遏,华莱士终于被判死刑。
The Mungiki is Kenya's most notorious gang, famous for beheading some of its victims. 群众帮是肯尼亚最臭名昭著的帮派组织,以把受害者斩首而著名。
I was invited to a beheading today. 今天我被邀请来砍头。
If the Tower of London had still been in the beheading business, Beckham would have been through Traitor's Gate by the end of that summer of1998. 要是伦敦塔当时还做斩首营生的话,贝克汉姆在1998年那个夏末大概就已经被推出午门了。
Dagestan Beheading video is by far one of the worst videos ever recorded. 达吉斯坦斩首视频是迄今有记录以来最严重的影片之一。
FROM a corner of the room, Mr Darcy watched Elizabeth and her sisters work their way outward, beheading zombie after zombie as they went. 从房间的一个角落里,达西先生看见伊丽莎白和她的姐妹们向外面走去,她们走的时候斩首了一个接一个的僵尸。
Consists of a weighted blade between two vertical poles; used for beheading people. 在两个垂直的极之间有锋利的刀片;用来斩首。
Chechen Mujahedeen Terrorists took the captives on the field and mercilessly executed each of them by beheading. 车臣恐怖分子参加了圣战者在球场上无情的俘虏和斩首处决他们。
Killing was a form of entertainment for the Japanese, and the methods of killing included beheading, bayoneting, live burial, burning, and freezing. 日本人视杀戮为娱乐,杀戮方法包括斩首、用刺刀捅、活埋、焚烧、冷冻等。
Beheading was not the cause of this poor man's demise. 断头并不是这个家伙死亡的原因。
You will find yourself back in a dungeon, and this time you will go quickly to a private beheading. 你会发现你又被关进地牢,而在这一次你会很快被秘密处死。
Analysis on the Influence of Yellow River's Beheading of Fenhe River on Fenhe River 黄河东倒夺汾对汾河的影响分析