To pay compliments to the woman whom a man loves is the first method of bestowing caresses, and he is half audacious who tries it. 向意中人“说奉承话”,这是温存爱抚的最初形式,是试探性的半进攻。
One day the Bishop caught sight of him in the act of bestowing this charity, and said to his sister, with a smile," There is M.Geborand purchasing paradise for a sou. " 一天,主教撞见他在行那件善事,他笑嘻嘻向他的妹子说:“惹波兰先生又在那儿买他那一个苏的天堂了。”
The only way to show our gratitude to God for bestowing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectful to the less fortunate ones. 唯一能让我们感激上帝给予的成功便是始终卑微、谦虚、礼貌并且尊重没有我们幸运的人们。
( Also, a note about the name: Zana was a goddess in Romanian mythology known for giving life and generously bestowing gifts.) (此外,在此对名称做一下解释:Zana是罗马尼亚神话中的一位女神,因赋予生命和慷慨地赐予礼物而富于盛名。)
Global Language Monitor head Paul JJ Payack said the trend "opens an entire new world of possibilities to young parents for either inflicting or bestowing names upon their children." 全球语言监测机构主席保尔·JJ·培雅克说,这一趋势“将为年轻父母给孩子取名开创很多新的可能。”
To look at a person with reverence is the equivalent of bestowing a kiss.-J.D.Boatwood. 用敬仰的眼光去看人,就是给别人一个香吻,男人别用这个眼光看我。
Therefore, those who give of themselves are bestowing on another the most precious gift they have to offer: their joys, their understandings, and their love for life. 因此,那些将快乐,理解和人生的爱作为珍贵礼物给予别人的人,他们自己也同样得到了这些。
Verily, an appropriator of all values must such bestowing love become; but healthy and holy, call I this selfishness. 你们那赠予之爱必须成为各种价值的抢夺者,但我称这种自私为健康与神圣。
Many nations have long regarded the dominant international role of the dollar as bestowing an exorbitant privilege on the US. 长期以来,许多国家认为,美元占据主导性的国际地位赋予了美国一种嚣张的特权。
The second step includes the questions of bestowing way, opportunities and skills so on. 第二步才是如何赠送,赠送的时机等技巧性的问题。
I praise the Lord for his unfairness of bestowing such pair of eyes and the lips. 我赞美上帝的不公,他赐予你这样的眉眼和嘴唇。
If I am born earlier, perhaps be born in other country, won't get such bestowing. 如果我出生得更早,或者出生在其他国家,就不会得到这样的恩赐。
One's awareness radiates outward from the hara, bestowing equanimity, stability, and freedom from doubt and anxiety. 人的意识来自于丹田,要保持镇定和平和的心态,不要有焦虑和不安。
US executives have been able to secure more favourable research ratings for their companies from investment banks by bestowing professional favours on Wall Street analysts, according to new academic research to be published today. 根据今天公布的一项全新学术调查报告显示,美国高级管理人员为确保自己公司从投资银行得到更好的评级排名,往往会给予华尔街分析师一些个人好处。
What an ignominious destiny for medicine if its future turned into one of bestowing meagre increments of unenjoyed life! 如果医学未来只是起延长痛苦的生命的作用,那么它将的命运将多么可耻啊!
They have no qualms about bestowing their inner life on a dozen members of the next generation. 他们对于将自己的内心思想分赠与十数个下一代成员一点也不觉良心不安。
He takes great pride in bestowing the powers of fire upon his followers. 他十分乐于给予他的追随者以火焰的力量。
This can be done by bestowing vocational awards on deserving individuals or organizations. 这可以藉由颁业职业成就奖给名副其实的个人或组织来达成。
Blessed be the LORD, it is His way when He has once made a beginning to go on bestowing the graces of His Spirit, till He who had but little, and yet truly had that little, is made to have abundance. 上帝的名是应当称颂的,祂是我们信心创始成终的父上帝,那些拥有小小信心,却是真实信心的,上帝要继续加添到丰满。
One day the bishop caught sight of him in the act of bestowing this charity. 一天,主教撞见他在行那件善事。
"Admiral nelson," who was a christian, rolled his eyes up toward the ceiling and thanked God for bestowing the food before down. “海军大将”信基督教,坐下以前,还向天花板眨白眼,感谢上帝赏饭。
Have local authorities support directly, such as bestowing favour father each, Sun Li that army riffrafves in the state control new elder brothers grandson. 要么直接有官府撑腰,如施恩父亲是节级,孙新哥哥孙立是州里的兵马统制。
Heathcliff had not the habit of bestowing a single unnecessary civility on Miss Linton, I knew. 我知道,希刺克厉夫对林惇小姐向来没有献一下不必要的殷勤的习惯。
You husbands, live considerately with your wives, bestowing honor on the woman as the weaker sex, since you are joint heirs of the grace of life. 你们作丈夫的,要按情理和妻子同住;因她比你软弱,是与你一同承受生命之恩的,所以要敬重她。
Discussion on Historic Opportunity Beijing Olympic Games Sponsoring Bestowing Our Enterprise 论北京奥运赞助给予我国企业塑造国际品牌的历史契机
Slope deep cutting construction question by the soft rock met in expressway to bestowing favour in YiChang, have very important research value. 宜昌至恩施高速公路遇到的软岩边坡深路堑施工问题,具有很重要的研究价值。
Bestowing new modern contents on Chinese good tradition, enriching and developing Chinese ethnic spirits; 赋予中华民族优良传统以新的时代内容,进一步丰富和发展中华民族精神;
When educational function of bestowing status excessively inflate, higher meaning of education will be distorted and lost. 当教育身份功能过度膨胀时,它就会扭曲和损害更高意义上的育人功能。
The study of bestowing land in the two Song Dynasties deepens and gives a comprehensive understanding of the land system in the Song Dynasties and their economic and social conditions. 研究两宋的赐田,可以使我们加深对宋代土地制度、宋代经济乃至社会的全面认识。
It brakes the principle of bestowing on the right equally in the civil law, represents one kind of civil privilege. 它打破了民法平等赋权的原则,表现为一种民事特权。