America's media companies bestride the globe. 美国的传媒公司称雄寰球。
They even bestride the carriage lamps. 他们甚至骑在马车的灯笼上。
Beijing Bestride International Club is managed by Dellisart America Hotels& Resorts, whose headoffice is located in America. 北京佳程格伟国际休闲俱乐部是由美国德利萨特酒店集团管理的豪华俱乐部。
But maybe, I think, the US has less scope for grand strategy than it did in the past couple of decades, when the country seemed to bestride the world colossus-style. 但我认为,或许美国现在实施其宏伟战略的空间要小于此前二十年,那时这个国家犹如巨人般支配着世界。
Even those who bestride an epoch are eventually reduced to a couple of salient features. 甚至是那些曾主宰了一个时代的领导人,最终留下的也只是几个突出事迹。
They do not bestride the world; 它们并没有主宰世界;
It is not only a spectacular scene, but also a viaduct which bestride the valley and the communication center throughout at the east-west Binhai road. 它是贯穿整个大连海滨风景区东西滨海路的要冲,而且也是老虎滩景区西部和邻近的燕窝岭景区中一处壮观秀丽的风景点。
"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus" “为什么他要像巨人一样跨骑在狭窄的世界上?”
Driven by a mixture of ambition and fear ambition to bestride the world stage and fear of even cheaper competitors in, say, Vietnam or Cambodia they are relentlessly climbing up the value chain. 掺杂着害怕和雄心壮志&跨越式发张的野心和竞争者更低成本的担忧。最近,越南和柬埔寨已经在价值链上不断侵蚀。
I think that lifting the productivity level of oasis, mellowing the water of the bestride valley, systematic development and synthetic utilization of the oasis of ecology environment could satisfy the internal request of the sustainable development of the oasis. 在分析未来绿洲变化趋势基础上,提出通过提高绿洲生产力水平、跨流域调水、对绿洲生态环境实施系统开发、综合利用等举措,方可满足绿洲可持续发展的内在要求。
The strong subjective consciousness enabled Du Fu to bestride freely between the natural mountains and waters, however, his active participation to social affairs and repeated setbacks made him permanently haunted by distress and grief. 强烈的创造主体意识使杜甫能自由驰骋于自然山水之间,但他积极的入世精神与时时处处的挫折致使其被笼罩在恒久的忧患意识之中。
But movement quality have not especially important significance to university student physique health synthesis evaluation; should choose the project that can reflect the healthy quality, like Repeat bestride test project can reflect the student sensitivity well and the harmony and so on. 4. 但运动素质对大学生体质健康的综合评定并没有特别突出的意义;应选择能反映健康素质的项目,如能很好地反映学生灵敏性和协调性的反复横跨测试项目等。