I went into medicine to care for patients, not to waste time bickering over budgets 我行医是为了治病救人,而不是浪费时间为预算问题争论不休。
The two women bickered constantly. 这两个女人经常发生口角。
He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes. 他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。
As for some things it is all right to quarrel and bicker about, but fundamental cooperation is needed. 在一些事情上有点争吵也无妨,但是必须在根本问题上实行合作。
And don't wait until you bicker to turn on the charm. 不要等到你们发生了口角才来展现你的魅力。
Or as Mr. Bernet, an actor, explains, 'Parents need timeouts, too.' The couple also tries to prevent potential blowups by cutting each other extra slack during times with high bicker potential, including while in the car and just before dinner. 或者像贝尼特所说的,当父母的也需要叫暂停。在吵架可能性较高的时候(包括开车时或晚饭前),夫妻两人还会多宽容对方一些,以防发火。
Be mindful and don't snap, bicker or be mean to others. 要注意不要谩骂,争吵或对人刻薄。
Chief executives bicker publicly on social media, and companies run smear campaigns against each other, reaching levels of public antagonism less common outside of China. 首席执行长们在社交媒体上公开唇枪舌战,企业相互进行恶意营销,而这种公开对抗的状况在中国以外地区实属罕见。
We began to bicker and argue. 我们开始争吵、争论。
But, after a humiliating election rout, as factions within the party bicker over its causes and as recriminations break out, Labour's crown will seem a shabby one to inherit. 但是,在遭受屈辱性的竞选失败后,当党内小派系间为他们的事业争斗,歧视的事件发生,工党的桂冠将看起来如此卑劣而不堪继承。
We need to talk things out, not bicker. 我们必须恳谈,切勿争吵。
Ross and Rachel continue to bicker about their break-up. 不幸的是,齐普自林肯高中毕业后并未变成熟多少。罗斯和瑞秋继续为分手而斗嘴。
Their idea of a spending discussion is to bicker about whether discretionary outlays should be cut aggressively or downright savagely. 他们在就支出展开讨论时,也只是争论可自由支配支出是应大幅削减还是应完全取消。
The food chilled on their plates and there seemed nothing to talk about except an endless friendly bicker about food. 菜盛在盘子里逐渐冷了下来,除了说来说去只是好心劝对方努力加餐之类的话以外,他们好像找不到别的话好说了。
Although we fight, we bicker, delight or even anger, you are my best friend forever. 吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我最好的死党。
And the two titles like to bicker over which has the bigger circulation. 两家报纸还经常争论谁拥有更大发行量,吵的口沫横飞。
One day, they bicker for one small thing, and no one who is reasonable, and like two strangers. 有一天,他们为了一件小小的事情吵嘴了,谁也不理谁了,像两个陌路人。
Golly, I hate to bicker about positions, sweetheart. 天哪,我可不喜欢为用什么姿势争吵,甜心。
A little girl, she and her mother, who bicker out money at that time who did not. 有一个小女孩,她因事和妈妈拌嘴外出,当时身上也没有带钱。
The United Nations can either be a place where we bicker about outdated grievances, or forge common ground; 联合国这个地方,既能够使我们为宿怨争吵不休,也可以让我们奠定共同基础;
This brings us to our next point, which is why do humans bicker with one another so? 这带来了我们下一个观点,那就是为什么人类如此彼此争吵?
Shine on a demon mirror: Return to dare to bicker, whether want to rob my seat? 照妖镜:还敢顶嘴,是不是想抢我的位子呀?
Parents in London are more likely to quarrel and bicker than in country districts. 伦敦的父母比乡村地区父母更容易争吵。
Gandalf: ( rises) Do you not understand that while we bicker among ourselves, Sauron's power grows?! None can escape it! 刚多尔夫:(站起)你不理解当我们之间斗嘴时,索隆的力量在阳光雨露下成长?谁也不能逃开它!
Kitty: stop it, you guys! We're here to admire the view, not to bicker! 高贵:好了,我们是来欣赏风景的,不是来斗嘴的!
You'll realise that other people are inclined to bicker and do battle over stuff that's directly linked to jobs, reputations and making progress. 牛牛们必须明白,其他人因为那些直接关系到了工作、地位和渴望突破上的问题所以更倾向于拌嘴和争执。
It can reduce reactive power rush and solve voltage bicker change caused by power active violent change. 减少无功功率的冲击,解决了矿热炉在生产过程中由于功率变化剧烈而引起的电压闪变。