Mother is devoted to Dad although they squabble all the time 母亲很爱父亲,尽管他们总是为琐事拌嘴。
The children were squabbling over the remote-control gadget for the television 孩子们正在为抢夺电视机的遥控器而争吵。
My four-year-old squabbles with his friends 我那个4岁大的孩子常和他的小伙伴们斗嘴。
Don't squabble over trifles. 不要为一点小事就吵起来。
Consumers face a mess of discordant devices and services, not to mention spotty availability, as cable providers, networks, and tech companies squabble over turf. 由于有线电视运营商、广播网和技术公司竞相争夺地盘,消费者面临一个乱七八糟的局面:不配套的设备和服务,更不用说断断续续的信号了。
Instead, its dozens of sovereign mini-states squabble and fight constantly. 组成瑞士的十几个拥有主权的州彼此之间争吵不断,斗争不休。
Besides, the invariable squabble for money on Saturday nights had begun to weary her unspeakably. 另外,每星期六都为了钱而发生的争吵已使她开始感到说不出的厌倦。
The bribery scandal sparked a squabble between radicals and moderates in the parliament. 贿赂丑闻在国会激进派和温和派之间引发了一场争吵。
Members of the management staff at the shopping center approached and asked them to leave, setting off a squabble that soon turned into a vigorous debate between the staff members and bystanders defending the artists. 购物中心的管理人员走上前来,叫他们离开,引起了一场口角,并很快演变成了一场管理人员和支持这两位艺术家的旁观者之间的激辩。
This is a squabble for the soul of the little country where I grew up. 在我成长于斯的小国荷兰,正上演着一场关于灵魂的论战。
The second most common regret involved family issues, with 16 percent of respondents expressing regret about a family squabble or having been unkind to a sibling as a child. 排在第二位的常见憾事则跟家人有关,16%的被访者对某段家庭纷争或小时候欺负了兄弟姐妹而表示后悔。
Why do some travelers squabble about overhead bin space? Or feud over an armrest? 为什么有些旅客会为舱顶行李箱或扶手发生口角?
The question always came down to, are these fiduciary numbers that investment managers charged with keeping money for widows and orphans rely on, or are they just inside baseball for the industry to squabble over and not all that important? That question has never been answered. 问题最终归结为,这些预测数据到底是那些为孤儿寡母理财的投资经理们进行投资决策的依据,还是只是行业内部自说自话的产物,根本无足轻重?这个问题一直没有答案。
Bone Gnawers: Pathetic creatures, they squabble in the street and then expect to be welcomed into our mansions! 可怜的造物,他们在大街上争吵然后期望能在我们的官邸中受欢迎!
While the transatlantic squabble over the main thrust of the G20 summit continued, the heads of international organisations bemoaned the slow progress on cleaning up bank balance sheets, something they see as a pre-requisite for any recovery. 在美欧在G20峰会主要议题上继续争吵之际,国际组织的领导人对清理银行资产负债表的缓慢进程表示了遗憾,他们认为这种清理是任何复苏的前提。
Regulators have been cooling off the squabble since Sunday, assuring the anxious broth hawkers that their recipes need not be unveiled for public viewing, the China Daily said. 《中国日报》报道说,监管机构自上周日开始便一直在平息这场争论,并向这些担心火锅底料配方揭露的老板们保证说,他们的配方不必向大众公开。
Don't interfere in their squabble& let them fight it out among themselves. 不要干预他们的争吵&让他们争个水落石出。
Most churches are riven by tensions: it is not so long ago that the Roman Catholic Opus Dei glared at liberation theologists, and Moscow's Orthodox still squabble like mad with Constantinople's. 多数教堂因为无法承受压力而分裂开来:正当罗马天主教组织OpusDei怒视自由派神学家的时候,同样信奉东正教的莫斯科与君士坦丁堡之间却还在疯狂的争吵。
Abandoning their sacred charge to safeguard the three Soulstones, the disparate Mage Clans began to squabble amongst each other over petty differences. 他们放弃了守护三颗灵魂之石的神圣职责,不同的法师宗派开始为了细微的分歧而相互争吵。
A squabble had broken out between General Tu Liming, commander in chief in Manchuria, and General Sun Li-jen, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute. 东北剿总司令杜聿明将军和孙立人将军之间发生了争吵。孙是美国弗吉尼亚军事学院的毕业生。
The decision settles a squabble of long standing. 这项决定解决了长期的争吵。
But while fundamental fans squabble over which measures to use, their whole ethos has come under attack. 但是当基本面支持者就哪种测度可以使用时,对他们的回应完全都是攻击。
Babbitt did not often squabble with his employees. 巴比特不常和雇员争吵。
But these senators scheme and squabble and flatter and deceive. 但那些议员们只会争吵算计阿谀奉承还有欺骗。
I've never seen you in a domestic squabble before. 我以前没见过你跟女人斗嘴。
The performers squabble among themselves while they wait for their audience. 这些表演者在等待观众时不断争吵。
Of course, in the beginning, shares in any enterprise have just hope value, so it can seem petty to squabble too much. 当然,在一开始,所有企业的股票都只具有期望价值,这时为了股权大吵大闹或许会显得小肚鸡肠。
Vindictive little men and women squabble, with a different kind of relationship. 小男女斗嘴斗气,有了一种别样的关系。
Me and the wife are just having a little squabble. 我和我妻子小吵架而已。
But the two bears continued to squabble. 但这两位熊哥们继续争吵。