At first Lewis resisted their blandishments. 起初,刘易斯并没有听信他们的甜言蜜语。
Despite the salesperson's blandishments, the customer did not buy the outfit. 尽管售货员百般奉承,但是这位顾客还是不买这套设备。
He remained impervious to all nell's sulks and blandishments. 对尼尔的愠怒和甜言蜜语,他都无动于衷。
I could offer her something beyond the blandishments of the rush to normal. 在那些尽快恢复正常的无稽之谈中,我可以给她提供其他一些东西。
Utilities and the government responded by offering tax incentives, subsidies and other blandishments. 电力公司和政府对此提出税收优惠、津贴以及其他的利好行为作为补偿。
Their economic blandishments take the form of the so-called joint industrial enterprises. 所谓经济引诱,就是所谓合办实业。
China must firmly reject any blandishments, whether from Japan or from Britain, and must never take part in an Eastern Munich. 不论是日本的引诱和英国的引诱,都应该给以坚决的拒绝,中国决不能参加东方慕尼黑。
The elephant is not immediately susceptible to such blandishments, however, and usually lashes fiercely with its trunk in all directions. 不过象并不会立刻感受到这种讨好。而是常常会向四面八方猛挥长鼻。
Not only arms and arts, but man himself, has yielded to it. Since their occupation of Wuhan, they have come to realize that military force alone cannot subjugate China and have therefore resorted to political offensives and economic blandishments. 不但武力与技艺向它屈服,人类自身也向它屈服。因为日本帝国主义在占领武汉后,知道单用武力不能屈服中国,乃着手于政治进攻和经济引诱。
She resisted his blandishments. 她把他的甜言蜜语顶了回去。
She charmed the visitor with the arsenal of her blandishments. 她用无数的甜言蜜语迷住了访客。
Since their occupation of Wuhan, they have come to realize that military force alone cannot subjugate China and have therefore resorted to political offensives and economic blandishments. 因为日本帝国主义在占领武汉后,知道单用武力不能屈服中国,乃着手于政治进攻和经济引诱。