There she beheld another countenance, of a man well stricken in years, a pale, thin, scholar-like visage, with eyes dim and bleared by the lamplight that had served them to pore over many ponderous books. 她还看到了另一副面孔,那是一个年老力衰的男人的面孔,苍白而瘦削,看上去一副学者模样,由于在灯光下研读一册册长篇巨著而老眼昏花。
The tall young man standing on the steps turned his bleared eyes from the tavern-keeper to the smiths, as though considering with which to fight. 站在台阶上的高个儿小伙子瞪着浑浊的眼睛看看老板,又看看这几个铁匠,好像在考虑现在该同谁打架。
He gorged himself habitually at table, which made him bilious, and gave him a dim and bleared eye with flabby cheeks. 他习惯性地暴饮暴食,使他肝火很旺,目光暗淡无光,两颊松弛。